
2023-12-26 15:10:26   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《今年四川新版本外研社英语课本电子版高中书》,欢迎阅读!


In recent years, with the rapid development of science and

technology, digital teaching materials have gradually become popular in the classroom. Chinese students entering the 21st century are mainly

exposed to digital learning materials. The electronic version of the new Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press English textbook of senior high school this year in Sichuan is a typical example.

This electronic version of the new Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press English textbook of senior high school this year in Sichuan is mainly composed of an electronic text book, an auxiliary

courseware and an interactive teaching. The electronic textbook contains the key points of each unit's teaching, the entire course content and the test points highlight

The auxiliary courseware mainly includes 9 core courses such as listening and speaking, reading, writing, culture and so on. Each

courseware contains full versions of each chapter and various knowledge points. In addition, the courseware also provides a wide range of interactive teaching materials such as multiple choice, expanding

knowledge, text note taking and understanding exercises to help students master the content better.

Interactive teaching in this electronic textbook is aimed at helping students to review and exercise the knowledge points by means of system guidance, video guidance and audio guidance. It combines theory with practice, and learns by doing. With vivid pictures and interesting videos, it allows students to easily understand and obey the essay

content. It helps students to assimilate knowledge fast and correctly. This electronic version of the new Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press English textbook of senior high school this year in Sichuan not only makes it easy for teachers and students to learn, but also solves the problem of shortage of teachers’ resources in rural areas. Its rich and concise content helps the students of rural areas to

keep up with their urban counterparts in terms of study and is conducive to achieving educational equity.

In conclusion, the electronic version of the new Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press English textbook of senior high school this year in Sichuan has many advantages, and it has been widely welcomed among both teachers and students. It will surely bring a new wave of teaching reform to the front line of teaching practice, which is beneficial to the further promotion of English teaching.

