小学英语作文:我的大日子 My Big Day

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小学英语作文:我的大日子 My Big Day

【篇一】我的大日子 My Big Day

Today is a big day for me, because this is my first day to go to primary school. I am so excited but also nervous. When my parents drive me to school and then leave, I am scared, but when I see my classmates, we know each other soon and have a good time. I have made many friends, I love to go to school.


【篇二】我想念老朋友 I Miss My Old Friend

Before I move to the city, I live in my hometown for a long time. I meet a lot of friends, we play together all the time. Lucy is my best friend, she lives next to me. I am a shy girl, but Lucy is very nice to me, later I become active. Now I miss her very much, I will go to visit her when I have vacation.

在我搬到这个城市之前,我很长一段时间都是住在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡。我遇到了很多朋友,我们一起玩耍。露西是我的朋友,她住在我家旁边。我是一个害羞的女孩,但露西对我非常好,后来我变得活跃了。现在我非常想念她,我会在放假的时候去看望她。 【篇三】玛丽的生日 Mary’s Birthday

Today is Mary’s Birthday. Early in the morning, she dresses her pink dress that her mother buys to her as the Birthday

present. She looks so beautiful. Then in the afternoon, her friends come and they send her their best wishes. Mary plays a lot of games with her friends, they song and dance. They play jokes on each other. It is such a good time for Mary. 今天是玛丽的生日。清晨,她穿着粉色长裙,她母亲买给她作为生日礼物。她看起来很漂亮。然后在下午,她的朋友来了,他们给她送上了的祝福。玛丽和她的朋友们玩了很多游戏,他们唱歌、跳舞。他们互相戏弄。玛丽度过了愉快的时光。

