
2022-08-01 14:05:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《广东开心英语六年级下册uint范文范文精选》,欢迎阅读!

2Turn left at the corner

(The second period)

Teaching objectives:

1Can make dialogue by using these expressions: Turn left \ turn right \ go straight \ across from 2Can read “ Conversation” and “ Target” Teaching key points :

The using of “turn left ” “turn right” “go straight” “across from” Teaching difficult points:

The using of “turn left ,turn right ,go straight ,across from”. Teaching aids : recorder \ picture Teaching procedure : Step 1 Review 1Ask and answer

Teacher shows a picture and asks : Where’ s the ……? Students answer

Complete these sentences :

(1) Where the (杂货店)

(向右转)。It’s next to the bank. (直走) It’s (左拐角) Where’s the shopping mall ?

__________________________(在拐角向左转) Step 2 Listen and read (Conversation) Students listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3 Practic

Do Practice 1.Practice 2 Step 4 Chant activity Listen to the tape once.

Students read the sentences in the chant. Read after the tape . Complete the chant. Step 5 Homework



2Turn left at the corner

(The third period)

Teaching objectives: 1. Master the words in “Sounds and words”. 2. Master the sounds kr gr.

Teaching key points :

New words :cream, crab, crocodile, grass Sounds : kr gr Teaching difficult points:

kr gr﹞的发音规则。

Teaching aids : recorder \ pictures Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review Free talk:

Where’s the …?

Turn left /Turn right. It’s …. Step 2 Presentation

Teacher shows a picture and asks: What’s this?

引导学生回答:It’s a crab. Teach the sounds of “crab”.

The same teaching “cream, crocodile”.

总结出“cream, crab, crocodile”这几个单词的前两个字母的共同发音。 以同样的方法学习“grass, grapes , grocery, grocery store” Listen and say. Game:

给学生朗读一个故事,故事中含有一些以cr,gr开头的单词。教师读第一遍时,学生只是听,读第二遍时,学生要准备两张卡片,一张代表cr,另一张代表gr,告诉学生在听到含有其中一个读音的单词时,便举起相应的卡片。 Step 3 Listen and chant Listen to the chant once .

Teach the new words in the chant. Read after the tape . Game:

学生比赛,看谁读得又快又准。 Step 4 Practice

Complete these words and write down their Chinese meaning :

Cr__ __ m cr__ b cr__c__d__l__ gr__ss gr__p__s gr__c__ry ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Step 5 Homework 教学后记:


