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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《证明英文格式范文》,欢迎阅读!



导语:英文版英语证明书种类很多,有工作经历证明、工作经验证明、 病情证明,下面小编为你提供英文版工作证明。

证明英文格式范文一: American Embassy

To whom it may concerned,

We hereby confirmed that Mr.(你的名字)is a staff of our company. He has worked in our company for more than (5) years till present and will continue his obligation after he come back at YYY/ZZZ.(你回国的年月日)

Any question regarding his working history please do not hesitate to contact us at fax number____, tel number______. Best regards,

(你经理的名字) (你公司的名字) ————此处盖章。 20XX/01/14

证明英文格式范文二: May 2, 2009

Peoples Republic of China

Chongqing Commercial and Industrial Administration Chongqing, China

Re: Account of American International Export Credit NO.: 08806867000881846228 Dear Sir,

Please be advised that Mr.Green, President of International Export Co., Ltd. has established several accounts with Commerce Bank. The regular business account was established in March, 2009 and the money market account was established in this April 2009. The total balance of deposit at our bank for both accounts is US$ 1,000,000. Their accounts have always been in good standing. Sincerely, Laura Witt

Address: Commerce Bank

