
2023-02-09 12:31:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语小作文》,欢迎阅读!

Dear schoolmates, I am writing, on behalf of the student union, to ask for help for people in a disaster. Several weeks ago, X region was hit by a flood, resulting in the homelessness of thousands of natives. They are exposed to two difficulties. For one thing, their daily necessities, such as food, cloth and medicine, are not enough at all, while local authorities cannot afford to address their many needs. For another, they need to be tended day and night, as only under such care can our friends recover from panic. I suggest strongly that we never stand by and make a donation to those people suffering from this flood. Anyone who is to support can contact us at support@mail.com. Sincerely Yours, Li Ming 2.咨询信/请求信 核心材料如下: I hold a deep interest in… and have expected it for a long time. Can you give me some specific information? First, I want to know the price/taste/color/size/style/sponsor/topic/content/participants, so I can get prepared ahead of time. Second, please tell me the accurate time and place of …, thus I can arrange me schedule and join it on time. Third, for a better preparation/for a better result/for better performance, I also hope to get your precious suggestions to me if possible. 咨询信就是纯粹询问信息,请求信就 是在咨询信息基础上表达自己想参加, 用几句话描写自己的优点,点描述的话 参照下面信体的核心材料。 3. 申请/求职/介绍/推荐/招聘 其实为一类信体,间段都是在说自 己或别人或应聘者的优点。中间段核心材 料如下: I have(申请/求职)/He has(/ )/You should have()+ the necessary qualification/professional knowledge/practical experience/strong sense of responsibility/creative mind/inquiring spirit needed for the job. So these virtues can make me/him/you a pretty good candidate. I am/He is/You should be good at team work, which can facilitate the achievement of the goal. Also, I am/He is/You should be both outgoing and active as well as considerate, so I can/he can/you can establish a good relationship with workmates and fulfill the task assigned with joint efforts. 4.通知 (1)标题记得写。最简单标题:Notice (2)时态:对已经发生事情的回顾用 过去时或完成时,对要做的事情用一般时 或将来时 (3)内容:主办方+事情+时间+地点 +出席者,根据情境选择写出。 Write a notice in about 100 words to inform the residents of a coming smog (haze). You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Neighborhood Committee” instead. Notice We have received the message that a haze is approaching. According to the observatory, the haze, estimated to be stronger than last one, will be arriving at our city tomorrow morning and will cause poor visibility, which will down to a hundred meters. Therefore, we wish every family would make full preparations for it. Do remember to close the windows and put on a gauze mask if you go outdoors. You are advised to walk or drive cautiously lest you should have an accident. Especially those old people and young children should be most careful to refrain from dangers. It is said that the haze is leaving tomorrow afternoon. Neighborhood Committee 5.其余:小信体 道歉、祝贺、感谢等信体都是小信

