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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《国企还是私企的选择的英语作文_六级真题英语作文2篇》,欢迎阅读!


关于”国企还是私企的选择“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The choice of state-owned enterprises or private enterprises。以下是关于国企还是私企的选择的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1The choice of state-owned enterprises or private enterprises

Nowadays, most people, especially college graduates, choose to work and live in the city. They are used to the city

lifestyle, and they think it is more convenient to work and live in the city. However, for me, I prefer to live in the suburbs.

I have three reasons to support my view. First of all, with the rapid development of the city, we can enjoy the fresh air industry in the suburbs. The quality of life in the city is getting worse and worse.

People's physical and mental health is threatened. There are not so many people and cars in the suburbs, and there is not so much pollution. So living in the suburbs is good for people's physical and mental health Secondly, the house price in the suburbs is cheap.

The suburbs are not busy. People don't have to bear the traffic jams here. When we go to work in the morning and work in the afternoon, we have to endure all kinds of serious traffic problems, such as illegal driving of electric vehicles.

We should choose a lifestyle that suits us rather than blindly following others. 中文翻译:




Usually, you will be exposed to various experiences and expectations. I personally like to work in a small enterprise. As long as I try to tell the truth, the prospect of promotion is good.

I would rather be a famous and important person in my own small pond.

