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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语作文范文》,欢迎阅读!

I.历城区一模—— 摔倒,拍照

范文:One day, Tom went to a park with Jack. It was quite a beautiful day. They decided to take some photos. While they were having fun. Tom suddenly heard someone crying and ran off. Jack followed Tom to see what was happening. A girl fell down and she was crying loudly. Tom helped the girl stand up and cheered her up. Jack quickly took a photo of them to record the important moment. The photo will be kept for ever. And it tells us Tom is a good boy.

II. 专项训练—— 酒驾

醉酒驾驶作文分图辅导——句子 Picture 1

1. Jim drove to his friends house last weekend. He had a big meal with his friends. 2. Jim was invited to a party last weekend, and they drank a lot of wine at dinner. 3. Jim got drunk.

4. They were so excited that they drank a lot of beer. Picture 2

1. His friends told him not to drive home. 2. It was too dangerous.

3. Jim didnt think so and he refused. 4. He said, No, no problem. 5. Then he drove off. Picture 3

1. He drank so much that he couldnt see anything clearly. 2. His car ran into a tree, and he got badly injured. 3. Soon he was taken to hospital.

4. Someone took him to hospital later. Picture 4

5. He had to stay in hospital for a long time.

6. What was worse, the policeman revoked his driving license.

Unluckily his driving license was revoked. 全文:

Last night, my uncle was invited to have dinner with his friends. He got drunk during the party. His friends tried to stop him from driving the car home, but he refused. On the way home, my uncle drove so fast that his car ran into a tall tree. He was badly injured. He was taken to the hospital in time. And he had to stay in hostpital for two weeks. What was worsethe policeman came and revoked his driving license. He said he would never drive after drinking.


1. Yesterday, my uncle had a terrible experience. My uncle was invited to his friends house for dinner. They had fun chatting and drank too much. As the night came, my uncle decided to leave. His friend tried to persuade him not drive the car after getting drunk, but failed. As a result, my uncle was so confused that he ran into a tall tree while driving. He was hurt badly and taken to the hospital. Whats worse, the police revoked his driving license so


that he could not drive for some time. This has been an important lesson for us: Obey the rules, and follow the right advice. By 毛悦

2. It was a moonlit night, My uncle was invited by a friend of his, So he came to his friends house and had a big supper. But he couldnt hold his drink. Even though the host reminded my uncle not to drive home. He felt good about himself so he didnt care it at all. As we can imagine, my uncle ran into a tall tree unluckily. He was hurt badly. Then he was taken to a hospital . And my uncle was told he was crippled and he had to stay there for two weeks or even longer . A policeman came to see him and revoked my uncles driving license. My uncle was very sorry, for himself and for others . I believed he had known how to protect himself and not to get into trouble with others By 李筱霖

3. Drinking alcohol is dangerous for kids and teenagers, and sometimes for adults , too. To support this, I will tell you a real story next .It happened to my uncle yesterday. Last night , he was invited by his firend to have dinner. At the end of the dinner, he got drunk. It was time for him to go back home and although he had drunk a lot , he would rather drive by himself than be sent home,No„„no problem, he refused otherhelp. However, it was too dark for him to see things clearly, So at last he ran into a tall tree. When my uncle woke up ,he realized he had been taken to hospital. He was injured and he couldnt move at all. Whats worse, the policeman came in to told him that his driving license had been revoked . My uncles story told us ——Drunk driving is a serous problem and its illegal.

By 牛童

III 槐荫区一模——小熊放风筝

范文:It was a beautiful spring morning. A bear was flying a kite near the forest. While he was running with the kite happily, suddenly he was stopped by something. He was surprised to find the kite was hung on the top of a tree. It was too high for him to reach. He didnt know what to do and couldnt stop crying. Just at that time, a giraffe came by. He decided to help the bear to get the kite. And he succeeded. The bear was very thankful. And they became good friends.

IV.市中区一模——小燕子: 范文:

1. As spring comes, trees turn green, and swallows fly back (with the greeting of spring).

Two swallows arrived at Toms house and built a nest under the eaves to raise (look after, bring up) their baby.

One day, the baby swallow fell down from (fell off) the nest. Luckily, this was seen by Tom. He (immediately) ran to the baby as fast as possible and caught it just in time. Next, Tom climbed up a ladder so that he could reach the nest. Then, he put the baby swallow back carefully.

The babys parents (that had just returned after hunting) saw the scene (what Tom did). They flew happily around Tom and said, Thanks very much for saving our baby! You are a hero!


2. Spring is coming. Some swallows built their nest under Mr. Whites eaves. One day, a little swallow fell down from the nest by accident. Luckily, Mr. White came up quickly and caught it in time. He decided to send the little swallow back to the nest. But the nest was too high to reach. So he found a ladder and put it against the wall, then he climbed to the top of the ladder and put the swallow back carefully. At that time, the swallows parents came back, they saw what happened and felt grateful (thankful). They said thanks to Mr. White over and over again. Mr. White is really a warm-hearted man.

3. Mike was so happy that he always stood under the nest to watch the swallows come and go.

While Mike was watching it, a little swallow fell down from the nest. He was happy to find the swallow didnt get hurt. Thanks to Tom, the baby swallow was saved. He thought up a good idea.

They flew around and seemed to say ―Thanks a lot.

V. 历下区一模——爸爸救人 范文:

It was a beautiful sunny day. Tom went to the park with his parents. They had a great time there. While they were walking across the bridge, they heard someone shouting Help! Help!. A boy fell into the river by accident, but he couldnt swim. When Toms father saw this, he jumped into the river at once and tried to save the boy. Another man called the hostpital at 120. In the end, the boy was saved. However, Toms father was in danger because he was too tired to swim. Luckily, the doctors arrived just in time and he was sent to the hospital. Everyone said: How brave the man is! Tom took pride in his father. What an unusual experience they had!

VI 天桥区一模—— 扔香蕉皮 范文:

It was a beautiful sunny day. John ate a banana while he was walking down the street. Then he dropped the banana peel on the road. After a while, a little boy came by. He stepped on the banana peel and fell down by accident. He couldnt stop crying. His mother came up to him as quickly as possible and tried to stop him from crying. John felt very guilty and he said sorry to the little boy. Then he picked up the banana peel and put it into the dustbin. And he decided not to drop litter everywhere. (I think its our duty to protect our environment.)

VII.牛推石头 范文:

It was a beautiful sunny day. A cat went hiking with his friends in a car. Suddenly they saw a big stone in the way. They really didnt know what to do. Just then, a bear came by. He came up to the big stone as quickly as possible. And he tried to move the stone, but the stone was too big for him to move.(the stone was so big that he couldnt move it.) Luckily, an


