
2022-09-22 03:04:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《高考英语口语提高:-坚持到底-学习语》,欢迎阅读!



-What are you going to major in?你准备选什么专业?

-My parents want me to study accounting, but Ill stick to my guns and major in English.我父母想让我学会计,可我会坚持己见,选英文专业。 [习语点津]

stick to ones guns

gun“大炮”的意思,这一习语原本表示不管敌人的炮火有多猛烈,炮兵都应坚守岗位予以还击。现在它引申为“坚持自己的立场或观点” 例:Ill stick to my guns on this matter.在这件事上我会坚持自己的立场。 情景2

-Why didnt you help me when the boss scolded me?我被老板骂的时候,你怎么不帮帮我?

-Why should I stick my neck out for you? What have you ever done for me?我为什么要为你冒险?你又为我做过什么? [习语点津]

stick ones neck out


例:John is always sticking his neck out by saying something he shouldnt.约翰总是冒险说出自己不该说的话。 情景3

-Is your sister unhappy?你妹妹是不是不快乐?

-Of course shes unhappy--it sticks out a mile.她固然是不快乐了,这明摆着呢。 [习语点津] stick out a mile

stick out有“突出”之意。某物“突出了一英里”,那确定很惹眼。该习语就意为“显而易见”

例:Hes not telling the truth--it sticks out a mile.很明显,他在撒谎。 情景4

-Youre not going out in that!你不许穿成这样出去! -Why do you always have to stick your nose in?你干嘛老是要干预我?

-How dare you talk to me like that! Im your father!你竟敢这样跟我说话!我是你爸爸!


stick ones nose in 表示“干预别人的私事;多管闲事”,与poke ones nose in 同义。

例:I wish hed stop poking his nose in my personal life!我盼望他不要再干预我的私生活了! 情景5

-Lisa said you brought your girlfriend to the party yesterday.丽萨说你昨天带女朋友参与派对了。

-She must have got the wrong end of the stick. That girl is my cousin.她肯定是误会了,那个女孩是我表妹。 [习语点津]

get the wrong end of the stick意为“错误地理解某事或某人的意思”

例:Youve got the wrong end of the stick. He doesnt owe me money; I owe him!你弄错了,不是他欠我钱,是我欠他的。

