
2022-05-30 12:08:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《白雪公主台词》,欢迎阅读!

Prince: You! Princess:You!

Prince: you are here! I am--i am here ,but-- you were the prince?! Prince: i am sorry, seeing you in this dress has caused me to loss my words

Prince: well,at least it doesnt cause you to lose your pants. Uh- i mean ,when i met you first, You werent wearing pants. Prince: yes

Princess; well. At least now you are dressed ----up, like a bunny, sorry, Prince: apparently it is a rabbit. Something about trickery and enemies and cunning Princess: oh ,ok

Prince : i look like a idiot yes , Princess:a little bit Prince: so what are you ---

Princess: doing in the palace? Um.i live here i have for a while actually i am kind of a princess.

Prince: what? You didnt tell me that. Princess: you never told me you are a prince

Prince: i feared i looked ridiculous, said the prince in a bonny hat Princess: arent we supposing to be changing?

Prince: yes, i believe so Princess : oh sorry i am soi sorry Prince : no no no its ok its ok Princess: forgive me Prince: no, forgive me

Princess: the truth is- i didnt just come here to dance tonight, i need your help

Prince: anything,.i am at your disposal.

Its the queen, ever since my father died, she is terrorized the people and ruined the land and i would hope that a good-hearted princess like your self would----i have to go Queen:

Prince: your prince/ Queen : ,

Princess:do you want to talk about my dress or what you did to the village? Queen:

Princess: ive been there, i have seenu what you did to the people Queen:

Princess: by whose law

You have no right to rule the way you do, and techniquely, iam the rightful leader of this kingdom


Princess: just let me go i swear you will never see me again Ser

Princess: briton,please Ser

Prince; please .brightton, i am afraid. I dont want to die like my father did Ser

Princess: brighton

第二幕: i am--those men there------those man ,they are the ones that brought back the gold

The queen told you that they were the undesirable ones, but she lied. Hum. Thess brave men are the true heroes. They fearlessly raided the queens caravan and retrieved your gold they are the ones that really deserve you thanks

