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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《 描写冬日暖阳的初一英语作文带翻译精选篇2》,欢迎阅读!



Perhaps, in the warm winter sun, the most comfortable is to quietly enjoy sunbathing. Let the sun shine. Close your eyes and savor the soft warmth. Sunshine, with a light fragrance, climbed on my toes. The rare sunshine in that winter slowly spread the heat all over my body.

一个好的心情或许是从暖阳开始的。一早醒来,轻纱般地晨雾为这天的太阳戴上了面具,好像是刻意不让我们看清太阳的真面目。透过了窗帘,阳光形成了一道道金色的光束,射在我的床上,随着晨风的吹动,忽闪忽闪的,仿佛一个小姑娘水灵灵的大眼睛。面对这样的早晨,怎能不使你的心情愉悦起来呢? A good mood may start from the warm sun. When we wake up in the morning, the morning mist like a veil puts on a mask for the sun of this day, as if we deliberately don't see the real face of the sun. Through the curtains, the sun formed a golden beam of light, shot at my bed, with the morning wind blowing, flickering, like a

little girl's big eyes. Facing such a morning, how can you not make your mood happy?


Warm sunshine is what people dream of most in winter. In winter, people always "pretend" to be a "cannon", but how uncomfortable it is! Warm sun, should be the gift of winter, take off the heavy, stretch limbs, embrace warm happiness. 冬日,像是冬季里的一份惊喜,让你快乐开心。瞧,人们脸上洋溢着的幸福笑容就是见证。不过,寒冷,也是一种考验,一种磨砺,一个锻炼自己的机会,一个感受暖阳的契机。 Winter, like a surprise in winter, makes you happy. Look, the happy smile on people's faces is a witness. However, cold is also a test, a whet, an opportunity to exercise yourself, an opportunity to feel the warm sun. 啊!冬日暖阳,你带来的是笑脸。 Ah! In the warm winter sun, you bring a smile. 啊!冬日暖阳,你带来的是惊喜。

Ah! In the warm winter sun, you bring surprises. 啊!冬日暖阳,你带来的是温暖。

