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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《共享单车中考英语作文》,欢迎阅读!


have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括:

1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等) 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:智能手机 smartphone, 二维码 the QR code

【参考范文】 Dear Jim,

I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter.

It’s very convenient to use if you on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.

Hope to ride a mobike with you in China.

Yours, Li Hua

共享单车的好处 Bike-sharing

Nowadays, bike-sharing has become a new trend in China. More and more people are now enjoying this new means of transportation.

First, it’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Second, you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. What’s more, it relieves the traffic pressure and is good for environment as well.

Come and join us in bike-sharing and bike-riding!


Nowadays, bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular. But there are also some problems. For example, some people park the bike wherever they want, some even park them in their own house, which is inconvenient for other users. Some do not value the bikes and others even break them on purpose.

In my opinion, those are bad or even illegal behaviors. First, as a bike user, we must follow the rules of sharing. We should park the bikes in public areas. Second, we should not break them on purpose. Those who break the bikes on purpose should be punished. Third, the bike companies should not allow those people to use the bikes again. people should take responsibility for what they have done.

All in all, I think bike-sharing is a great thing, and we should follow the rules and be a civilized user.

