人教版小学英语一年级起点四年级下册 Lesson 2-全国公开课一等奖

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四年级(下册)Unit 4 Hobbies Lesson 2教学设计


步骤: Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting

2. Sing a song about “We all like climbing” 3. Watch and say. Step 2 Presentation

1. Guess teacher’s hobbies.

T: Do you want to know my hobbies? SDo you like…?

2. Show the new sentence. T: What are your hobbies?

Students try to answer. Teacher writes the sentences on the board. Step 3 New lesson

1.Show the picture in Part 1.

What can you see in the picture? Where are they? 2. Watch the video and choose. Who is she?

3.Explain the words” School News” 4. Think and answer

T: If you are a reporter, how do you often ask? 5. Watch the video again and judge.

6. Now open your books .Read by yourself and answer questions. 7. Listen and repeat.

8. Practice reading the dialogue. 9. Fill in the blank. Step 4 Practice 1.Task1. Play a game.

2. Task 2. Can you do it like this? ( Interview on the phone) 3. Task3. Think and write. 4.Emotion Step 5 Homework

Ask your friend’s hobbies and write them on your exercise books. 板书:

