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(新人教) 必修三课文语法填空 U1

Though festivals all over the world have a wide range of 1____________(origin), they have something 2___________common. Almost every culture has a harvest festival. For example, during the Mid-Autumn festival in China, families gather 3.____________ (admire) the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes. Customs play a 4____________(significance) role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time. With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas, some traditions may fade away and others may 5. ____________(establish). What's more, festivals are becoming more and more 6____________( commerce), with businesses 7____________(take) advantage of the celebrations. But peoples opinions differ over the issue.

All in all,festivals are important in our society. They are occasions 8.____________allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for 9____________little while. They help us understand where we 10____________(come) from, who we are, and what to appreciate.


At age 5Lin Qiaozhi lost her mother, 1.____________death affected her deeply. So at age 18she decided to study medicine despite 2.____________ (complain) from her brother. After graduating from Peking Union Medical College with the Wenhai Scholarship, the 3.____________ (high) prize given to 4.____________(graduate), she 5.____________ (hire) as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital and later was named 6.____________ chief resident physician.Several years later,she was sent to study in Europe and then the US where she was invited to stay by her colleagues but she 7.____________(reject) their offer.

In 1941, Lin Qiaozhi became the first Chinese woman ever 8.____________(appoint) director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. In 1954, she was elected to the first National People's Congress. However, despite all these important positions, she was more interested in tending patients,9.____________(publish) medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. Though Lin Qiaozhi never married, she was known 10.____________The “mother of ten thousand babies”, having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.


After 1.________________(camp) in the Redwood Forest and visiting Napa Valley, Li Lan took a tour of San Francisco, which rebuilt 2.________________(it) after the earthquake that 3.________________ (occur)in 1906. In the morning,she walked around the Mission District,4.________________ she looked at the street art and ate


some delicious Mexican- Chinese noodles. In the afternoon, she headed 5.________________a local museum that showed the 6.________________(history) changes in California. She learnt that many 7.________________(immigrant) from different countries and cultures came to California during the gold rush and played 8.________________ important part in its 9.________________(develop). Later in the evening she went to Chinatown and ate in a Cantonese restaurant. Now she is planning 10.________________ (go) to a jazz bar in the Richmond District.


Mankind has always explored space in the hope1._______________ finding out more about the universe.'They make 2._______________ (vehicle) to carry brave people into space. On 4 October 1957,the Sputnik l satellite was launched by the USSR and 3._______________ ( successful) orbited around Earth. Afterwards, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world 4_______________ (go) into space. Over eight years 5_______________ (late),on July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped 6_______________ the moon. 7_______________ (follow) this, many more goals were achieved. despite the huge risks, people will always continue to explore this final frontier so as 8_______________ learn Its secrets. Scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us to understand more about its origin 9_______________ also help us survive well into 10_______________future.


Two rich brothers made a bet 1._____________(see)whether a man with a million-pound bank note could live a month in London. They were going to find someone to take part in their bet when they saw Henry2._____________ (walk) on the street outside. They invited him into their house, 3._____________ Henry told them he landed in Britain4._____________ accident. It was a ship that 5._____________(bring) him to England. Although he sought help from the 6 _____________(America) consulate, he received nothing. Henry wanted to get an 7_____________(honesty) job from them but the two brothers said that his bad luck made them 8._____________(happily ) They gave Henry a letter 9._____________ money in it. They told him not to open it 10_____________ 2 o’ clock and Henry promised.

参考答案: U1:

1.origins 2.in 3. to admire 4. significant 5. be established 6.commercial 7. taking 8.that/which 9.a 10. came U2:


