
2022-12-22 11:30:13   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《雾都孤儿读书笔记7》,欢迎阅读!

This week, I read the chapter five of Oliver Twist. The main idea is about Oliver Twist was goaded by the taunts of Noah. Rousing into action, and he rather astonished him.

The months trial over, Oliver was formally apprenticed. This season, coffins were looking up. In the course of a few weeks, Oliver had acquired a great deal of experience. It is a great success for Mr. Sowerberry.

During this work, Oliver found a strange appearance. So many people have different reaction in different places and so on.For instance, when there were many people, they would become very sad. But, when others left, they would be happy as like nothing happened. Whether what relationships they are, all are similar. All this was very pleasant and improving to see; and Oliver beheld it with great admiration.

As time passed, Noah and Mrs. Sowerberry were all unhappy. Noah worried that Mr. Sowerberry would ignore him and Mr. Sowerberry was afraid of a thing that his husband and Oliver would be friends.

One day, Noah asked to Oliver something about his mother. At last, Noah insulted his mother and Oliver could not stand him anymore. Finally, crimson with fury; Oliver started up; overthrew the chair and table; seized Noah by the throat; shook him, in the violence of his range, till his teeth chattered in his head; and collecting his whole force into one heavy blow, felled him to the ground.

Mrs. Sowerberry was astonished. She asked Noah to find Mr.Bumble. Noah stopped to make no reply, but started off at his fullest speed; and very much it astonished the people who were out walking, to see a charity-boy tearing through the streets pell-mell: with no cap on his head, and a clasp-knife at his eye.

