
2022-08-05 22:50:18   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《最新关于端午节的英语作文范文400字带翻译》,欢迎阅读!



Its so busy on the fifth day of May! Another years Dragon Boat Festival is coming.


Dragon Boat Festival, like Spring Festival and Mid Autumn Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in our country. Our country is rich in land and resources, and the customs and habits of different places are different, so there are many different ways to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.



Listen to my father. In Wenzhou, the most bustling part of the Dragon Boat Festival used to be rowing. Almost every village has its own dragon boat team, competing fiercely in the river. Gongs and drums, shouts, resounding through the sky. At the beginning of the competition, more than 20 oarsmen followed the drummers rhythm and rowed hard. The dragon boat quickly slipped forward like an arrow from the string. The two commanders of the dragon head and the dragon tail are doing 180 or even 360 degree turning and jumping in a narrow space, winning cheers and cheers. Of course, people are also worried that he will fall into the water But its hard to see now. The government has not rowed a dragon boat for a long time for safety reasons. At least I havent seen that scene. Im looking forward to seeing it


And the happiest thing for children is the egg smash competition. The duck eggs cooked in herbal tea are hung on the chest in a carefully made net bag. A few children will have an egg collision

competition. Those whose eggshells are cracked will lose, while those whose eggshells are intact will win. However, whether its the loser or the winner, in the end, the duck egg will go into the little belly of the children.


The Dragon Boat Festival here also has the customs of eating zongzi, planting wormwood, Artemisia and spraying realgar wine, which may be similar to the customs in other places. 真期待端午节那香香的粽子!

Im looking forward to the fragrant zongzi of Dragon Boat Festival!

