
2022-08-05 11:48:25   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《PEP六年级英语作文范文(总复习)》,欢迎阅读!

1This is me

I’m Amy I’m tall. I’m kind I like swimming I often go swimming on the weekend I like summer best because I can eat ice cream. I like ice cream best. It’s sweet. This is me

2、对比beforenow in the future

Before, I was short. I couldn't ride my bike Now I’m tall I can ride my bike well I often ride my bike on Sundays. I like playing sports In the future I want to be a coach

3My father

My father is tall. He is kind. He is a worker He works in the factory. He goes to work on foot. He likes watching TV He often watches TV on the weekend This is my father.

4My pen pal

Mike is my pen pal He lives in China He is tall He is kind He can swim He can cook He likes cooking. He often cooks on the weekend I like Mike

5My birthday

My birthday is on May 1st I will have a party. I will play with my friends. I will eat cake I will sing. I will dance I will be happy

6My weekend plan

I ‘m going to Sanya with my family next weekend We are going there by plane. We are going to take pictures I'm going swimming. I’m going to eat fresh food. We are going to have a good time.

7Last summer holiday

Last summer holiday was good I went to Sanya with my family We went there by plane We took pictures. We ate fresh food We went swimming We were happy.

8I had a dream

I did a dream last night. I went to Sanya with my family We went there by plane. We took pictures We ate fresh food. We went swimming We were happy

9My weekend

I often go swimming on the weekend. I often play football Last weekend I went to the park. I took pictures. Im going to Sanya next weekend. I m going to take pictures.

10My bedroom

My bedroom is clean There is a bed There is a desk There is a chair. There are books on the desk. There are photos on the desk. I like my room.

11My favourite season

My favourite season is summer Because I can go swimming Its hot. It's sunny I can eat ice cream I can swim I often go swimming I like summer best.

12My favourite food and drink

My favourite food is salad. Its fresh. It's healthy My favourite drink is milk Its white Its sweet It's healthy I drink milk every day


There are many animals in the zoo Look! The tiger is eating.The elephant is drinking The rabbits are jumping. The monkeys are climbing They are clever I like monkeys.


Dear 收信人名字,如Amy




对话: 1、问路 2、询问周末计划 Can you help me A:Where are you going next OK weekend Where is the cinema? B I’ m going to Sanya. Its next to the boostore A: How are you going there? How can I get there B: By plane Turn left. A: What are you going to do Thanks. B: I’m going to take pictures

3A: 询问上周末做什么 doB: I went to Sanya. Where

did you go last weekend? A: How did you go there B: By plane. A work What did you do? B I took pictures

4 A: 询问对方父母职业相关问题What does your mother BA: Where does she work She is a worker.

A How does she go to B: She goes on foot B: She works in the factory

