关心老人的新政策The New Policy of Taking Care of the Aged_英语作文

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关心老人的新政策The New Policy of Taking Care of the


In China, the problem of aging is becoming more and more serious, in the future, many old people will go to the nursing house, but as the young are busy with their work, how to take care of the old is a big problem. Recently, Hollands government carries out a policy, if the young go to the nursing house to serve the old for 30 hours a week, then the young will get the free rent of their departments. I think it is a good idea. 在中国,老龄化问题变得越来越严峻,在将来,很多人们会住进养老院,但是由于年轻人忙着他们的工作,如何照顾老人成为了一个大问题。最近,荷兰政府实施一项政策,如果年轻人每周到养老院服务30个小时,年轻人租的房子就可以免租金。我认为这是一个不错的主意。

On the one hand, the young can relieve the life pressure from the free rent. Because of the temptation of the free rent, surely the policy will attract more young people to do the work. As the job competition is so intense, many young people have struggled to their life, so they are willing to do the caring work to get the free rent. On the other hand, the old can get

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the caring from the young. As more young people go to the nursing house to provide the service, the old will be very happy and have someone to talk to.


Though the policy is put forward in the short time, it provides a new way to solve the aging problem.


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