
2022-05-04 19:07:35   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《 那件事让我很难忘_关于六一的英语作文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!


前年的六一,是我在岔路口小学度过的最后一个六一儿童节,因为第二天我就要转学了,那天的情景我至今记忆犹新。 The year before yesterdays “61” was the last “61” childrens day I spent in Chalukou primary school. Because the next day I will transfer to another school, I still remember that day.


I came to the classroom early, as if into a colorful childrens Park. Around the classroom, there are bright ribbons. On the blackboard, there are big words like “happy June 1”. Even the windows that are not usually noticed are decorated with bright gift boxes, which are like the wishes of fairies. The students faces were full of happy smiles.



On that day, the teacher gave each of us a small card. This is a game card. With this card, we can go to all classes in grade one to play games. I decided to play bowling in my class first. I took the ball and walked to the ball frame. I was very nervous. It was like a drum pounding. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I held the ball in my hands and threw it into the “ball blue” with a light shot. Wow, Im so lucky. I got two “flower girl” pen covers and put them into my schoolbag happily.


Then I went to class 9 to play the game of “draw the mouth for the cute rabbit”, which is my favorite. When it was my turn, Mr. Hu covered my eyes with a red scarf. My eyes were dark. I lost my direction and almost fell down. I thought, “where is the little rabbit?”

At this time, I had a brainstorm. The place with chalk dust must be rabbit face. So I touched it and finally touched the chalk dust. I drew a big mouth beside it. Mr. Hu took off the red scarf. I opened my eyes and saw that, my God, the little rabbit had a crooked mouth! “Hahaha -” the picture is so funny.

教室里的气氛热闹非凡,校园里回荡着同学们的欢声笑语。但我的内心却在忧伤,因为就要告别这些和我一起上课、一起玩耍、一起快乐、共同成长的同学了,我十分不舍。踏出校门,我不时回头凝望着美丽的学校,回想和他们在一起的快乐时光。 The atmosphere in the classroom is lively, and the laughter of the students is echoed in the campus. But my heart is sad, because I have to say goodbye to those classmates who have classes, played, enjoyed and grew up with me. I am very reluctant to part. Stepping out of the school gate, I look back at the beautiful school from time to time and recall the happy time with them. 这个六一儿童节,快乐、难忘!

This childrens Day is happy and unforgettable!

