微信认证公函英文版Authentication Letter of WeChat Official Platform

2022-04-08 03:57:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《微信认证公函英文版Authentication Letter of WeChat Official Platform》,欢迎阅读!

Authentication Letter of WeChatOfficial Platform

Full name of Applicant Entity Account Operator Name Office Address (optional)

Cotton Council International Shanghai Branch

Entity Full name at Registration (if the entity has changed) Email

Cotton Council International Shanghai Branch

Xie Ling cottonusa@qq.com

The applicant agrees to authorize Xie Ling (Identification Card No.: ) as the account operator, dedicating to irrevocably applying for the authentication service of WeChat official account gh_960608614845, and performing content maintenance and operational management on the account.

1. The applicant and initial applicant entity for registration agree that: in the authentication of WeChat official account, if the applicant entity is different from the initial registration entity, the official letter shall be filled with the name of the latter with the seal of the under-signed for confirmation. Once the WeChat official account receives qualification approval, the approved applicant entity is entitled to use the account, bear all rights and obligations arising from the account registration, and enjoy all proceeds and limits of authority, and conduct all business operation.

2. The Applicant declares that the authentication information submitted to Tencent is true and authentic, and irrevocably authorizes Tencent and its third-party authentication institute to verify its authenticity. The Applicant understands and agrees that once the application is submitted, the review costs are available for Tencent and its third-party cooperator, thereby, the paid authentication and verification fees will not be refunded no matter what the authentication result is or whether or not the applicant withdraws the application. In the meantime, the content maintenance and operational management of the WeChat official account shall be in line with

laws and regulations, national policies and WeChat Official Platform Service Agreement. For any breach of the commitment aforesaid, the applicant shall undertake all responsibilities incurred.

TheApplicant has no objections to the information in the authentication application form and the content of the application letter.

The signature of account operator:

Official seal of the applicant entity:

The official seal stamped shall be in consistent with that of the entity. Legal person seal or signature shall be attached for private or individually-owned businesses.

September 02, 2016

