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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《相当用英文怎么说》,欢迎阅读!




相当的英文: equivalent to appropriate considerably to a certain extent fairly 参考例句:

My finances are rather wobbly.

Their feeling is rather presumptuous insolence

他们的感觉是相当的专横傲慢。I quite like watching volleyball games.

我相当喜欢看排球比赛。Transport was rather stretched in the Spring Festival.

Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products.

Active Sports的高质量产品已有了相当的信誉。The letters spelled a rather rude word.

那些字母拼缀成一个相当粗野的词。They are staying in a rather exclusive hotel on the left bank.

The mass-energy equivalence has been amply confirmed.

质与能的'相当性已被充分地证实。Outside New England, a comparable urbanity could be found

新英格兰以外的地区也有相当典雅的作品。Leicester held the

upper-hand for long periods

莱斯特队在相当长时间内占据上风。 equivalent是什么意思:

adj. 相等的,相同的;等值的;等量的;等效的;同意义的;等价的;等面积的,等体积的

n. 相等物;等价物;同义字;当量 Good is a equivalent of nice.

Goodnice是同义词。It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit.

它是三极管放大器的等效电路。It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit

它是三极管放大器的等效电路。 appropriate是什么意思: adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的 v. 占用;拨出 appropriate shed

专用货棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate. 删除括号中不适用的称谓。This is particularly appropriate to niche markets.

这种策略特别适合于小众市场。 considerably是什么意思: adv. 非常地,很,颇

The buyer of a CNC turning center may or may not have the warranty to consider in the purchase but will make other considerations.

计算机数控切削中心的购买者也许会考虑该切削中心有无保修证书,也许不考虑这一点,但他总会有各个方面的考虑。Moreover, trial judges who are reversed in civil appeals and administrators who have had their decisions remanded by the courts for further consideration are not considered incapable of giving fair and

