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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《2014年全国小学生英语能力竞赛五年级初赛》,欢迎阅读!

2014年全国小学生英语能力竞赛 五年级组初赛赛题

(答题时间:60分钟 总分:100)

听力部分(共四大题, 30 分)

I Sounds

听音,从ABC三个选项中选出与你听到的单词含有同元音因素的一项,每个词读两遍. ( ) 1 A glad B. green C. grey ( ) 2 A face B. fly C. film 3. A. key B kid C. knife

4 A blow B. body C boots ( ) 5. A page B pair C pink

II Sentence (句子理解)(共 5小题;每小题1 分,计 5分) 听音,选出与你所听到的句子意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

IIIDialogues (对话理解)( 10 小题;每小题1分,计 10 分)


B)听音,根据对话内容从 AB,C三个选项中选择正确的一项回答问题,对话读两遍. 16. Where are the two children

A. They ’re at school. B. They’re in a shop C They’re in a house 17 Whose house is it

A Mike's B. Amy's C Amy and Mike's 18 How many bedrooms are there A One B. Two C. Three 19 Is the dining room big or small?

A It's big B It’s small. C. Yes it is. 20. What’s Mike's bedrooms like

A. It’s beautiful. B. There’s a computer in it. C It is on the first floor IV Passage (短文理解与听写) (共10 小题;每小题1分,计10分) A 听音,根据短文顺序将相应图片的序号填入题号旁,短文读两遍。

21.________ 22.________ 23.________ 24________ 25________ B) 听音,填写单词或短语,补全短文(没空一词)。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)

Tomorrow the weather will be fine. Peter will wake up at 26____________in the morning He will 27____________ ____________with his friends They will get on a 28.____________ to Changhai Mountain. They won’t take a bus They will have29.____________in the mountains

They will take some hamburgers and cola. They will 30.____________ home at 600.

笔试部分(共七大题,计 70 分)

V. Multiple choice (单项选择)(共10小题;每小题1 分,计 10 分) ABCD四个选项中,选择恰当的一项完成句子。(答案涂在答题纸上) ( ) 31. This is _________ interesting book. You will like the stories inside. A. a B an C. the D. / 32. There are some_________ in the fridge

A. cheese sandwich B cheeses sandwich C. cheese sandwiches D. cheeses sandwiches ( 33.It’s cold today You’d better _________ your coat A put on B put off C. get on D get off

( ) 34.David’s ruler is _________than Sam’s but _________than betty’s A long short B longer; short C. long shorter D. longer; shorter

( 35 ———_________airconditioners do you have? ---I have five A How many BHow much C. How often D How long

36 Mr. Green likes tea. He _________five cups of tea every day A. drink B. drinks C. to drink D. drinking

) 37Kim doesn’t go to school _________ he is ill today A. and B or C so D. because

( 38 --_________car is it? -——It’s Lily's father’s A Who B. Who’s

C. Whose D Whom

) 39 He usually goes to bed early_________ the morning, but he goes to bed late_________ Saturday evening

A on on B in on C. on; in D. in; in ) 40 ——— Is Andy watching TV

--No He’s _________to his little brother on the telephone A. talking B. calling C telling D. writing

VI. Dialogues(情景对话)( 10 小题;每小题1分,计 10 分)

A ABCD 四个选项中,选出最恰当的一项,补全对话.(答案涂在答题纸上)

( 41

A. He’s listening to the music. B I’m at home.

C She can play the piano. D She's playing the piano


A.I can swim very well

B. Summer I can swim in the sea CI like skating in winter D.I like green trees best

( 43.

A When is your birthday? B. What day is it today CIs it Monday? D What time is it

) 44

A.He’s tall and thin B He's forty years old. C He likes Canada D He’s from Canada

) 45

A. Are you eight years old

B How many teeth do you have? C What’s wrong with you?

D How often do you brush your teeth

B)从所选的选项中选择恰当的句子,补全对话.(答案写在答题纸上) A. That’s a good idea.

B We’d better go on the 18th. C It’s so fast

D Let’s have a tour of Singapore E How long are we going to stay there

Ann Dad, what shall we do this summer? Mr. Lee 46______

Ann: No I went there last year I don’t want to go to Singapore again It’s hot and wet.

Mrs. Lee: I want to go to Beijing more than Singapore Ann 47.______We can visit the Great Wall there We can eat the famous Beijing roast duck, too. Mr. Lee OK! Then let’s go to Beijing Ann: 48.______

Mr Lee I think two weeks will be long enough. Ann Let’s go on July 15th.

Mrs Lee: No I won’t be free that day49______ Ann: Are we going by plane

Mr. Lee: Certainly. We can be in Beijing in four hours 50.______ VII. Words phrases and sentences( 单词、短语和句子)(共10小题;每小题1 , 10) A)根据图片提示,填写单词或短语,完成下列句子(每空一词,单词首字母已给出). 51 I see a red fish in the r__________.

52 My dad is s__________ He can lift me up in the air

53 Tuesday is the t__________day of week

54. Do you usually do m__________e__________

55 Can your cousin w__________the c__________


56 There is a litter bin in front of the house. (同义句转换) There is a house ______ the litter bin 57. They will stay in the Xiangshan Hotel(改为否定句) They ______ ______ in the Xiangshan Hotel. 58. She went to Shanghai last month.(改为一般疑问句) _____ she _____ to Shanghai last month

59. they dontwatchinglike,movies.(连词成句)

______________________________________________________ 60. do, have,onwhat,Fridays,you(?)(连词成句)

___________________________________________________________ VIII.Cloze(完形填空)(共5小题;每小题1 , 5分)


A. on Bcoming C.in D.First EOne F.meet Gfree

Dear John,

How are you Are you still coming to my birthday paty 61._____ June? My family, friends and classmates are all 62.______ The party is on Sunday, June 2nd at 630 It’s in town at Uncle Paolo’s restaurant 63._____ we can eat and talk from 6:30 to about 745 and then go to a concert in Central Park Every Sunday night, there is a 64_____ concert at 8:00I hope you can come.You will ______ my other friends

Write soon


IX.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共 15 小题,每小题1 分,计15 分)


Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important There are many healthy foods You can have bananas, apples oranges, tomatoes and cabbage because fruit and vegetables are good for you. But don't eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for youHealthy food can make you grow and make you happy. Remember there is a saying,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Sports can also keep you healthy Get up early in the moring and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy You will be healthy and happy.

根据短文内容,为下列各题选择正确的答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) ( ) 66 Which sentence is TRUE

A. Everybody is healthy BEverybody wants to be healthy C.We are important. D.There aren’t any healthy foods ( ) 67. What are healthy foods?

A. Fruit and vegetables B Only bananas and apples. C. Fruit and chocolate. D Vegetables and chocolate 68. Why are healthy foods good for us

A. They make us sleep. B They make us sad CThey make us grow and happy D They are delicious. ) 69 An apple a day keeps the doctor away means (意思是)______ A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.

B The doctor runs away when you give him an apple. C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy D. The doctors are afraid(害怕的)of apples

) 70 What keeps people healthy according to(根据) the passage

A Only fruit and vegetables. B. Healthy foods.

C Exercise. D Healthy food and sports.


Forg and Flea and the hole

Chapter Page Forg and Flea Go on a walk 2 Frog Falls Asleep 10 Flea Falls in a Hole 14 Frog Look for Flea 19 No Rope in Sight 24 Forg Finds Five Friends 28 Together They Get Flea Out 32 Home at Last 38

根据目录内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F(答案涂在答题纸上) ( 71 The name of this book is Frog and Flea and the Hope ( 72 The story starts on page 1

) 73 We can find “Frog Falls Asleep”in the first chapter.

( 74 There are four pages in the chapter of “No Rope in Sight". ) 75. At last, Frog helps Flea get out of the hole with his friends


Texas (德克萨斯州) is a big state () in America It has many cows and cowboys

Texas cowboys dress well for the job they do They wear pants and jackets. They have nice boots Their big hats block(阻挡) the sun

Much of the Texas is flat grassland It also has hills cliffs (峭壁) and beaches. Most of the time it is very hot. The state often has big thunderstorms (暴风雨) also.

If you go on a trip to Texas, it will help if you have a big map. The state is over 770 miles wide and 790 miles long! In America only one state is bigger than Texas.

76-78: 根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。(答案写在答题纸上) 76. Where is texas?

77 What do the cowboys wear 78 Are there any hills in Texas? 79. 将画线句子①翻译成汉语。(答案写在答题纸上) 80 将画线句子②翻译成汉语。(答案写在答题纸上) X. Composition (小作文)(第 81 小题,计15 分) 题目:The Lemonade Stand

提示词: baseball glove 棒球手套; run经营; lemonade stand 柠檬汁站; paint a sign涂标志。 要求:

1 Henry 想买一个棒球手套,但是他没有钱。在好朋友Dave 的帮助下,他通过经营一个柠檬汁站,挣钱买到了手套。 请根据图片和提示词,用一般现在时描述这件事情,可适当发挥;

2 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,词句通顺,无语法错误,书写工整、规范; 3 不少于60个单词; 4 将作文写在答题纸上。

XI. IQ test(智力测试)(5小题;每小题1 分,计5分)按要求完成下列各题。 82. The young man is excellent (杰出的) Now he is the top dog of a big company. Top dog here means ___________.

A. 幸运儿 B. 权威的人 C. 忠诚的人 D. 聪明的人 83. Whats missing (漏掉)from the last star

84. Tom’s grandma has eight children. Half are boys and half are girls So Tom’s father has seven brothers and sisters. But how many brothers and sisters does Tom's father have?

He has ___________ brothers and ___________ sisters. 85 Which month has 28 days?

86. Can you find the missing symbol(符号)?

