你想邀请加拿大笔友来到中国写一封明信片 英语版的

2022-08-17 18:09:19   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《你想邀请加拿大笔友来到中国写一封明信片 英语版的》,欢迎阅读!

你想邀请加拿大笔友来到中国写一封明信片 英语

Dear friends, I'm glad you can come to China. I will introduce some places of interest to help you visit. First of all, you should go to Beijing to see the bird's nest.

It is the first national stadium. It represents the Olympic spirit and Chinese culture. You should visit the Great Wall.

It is a place with a long history. Thousands of years ago, it helped the Chinese people to stay away from war and aggression from other countries. It's very popular, not only for foreign friends to visit, but also for our local people.

It has very important educational significance. Finally, you should go to Hangzhou to see the famous scenic spots. The West Lake is a very popular place for vesty.

There is a beautiful and moving love story between a man and a white snake who later became human. This place is famous for this fake love story, and many people come there to live an eternal and happy life with their loved ones. If you come, you will not miss the opportunity to learn about China's colorful and beautiful culture.

