英语经典原创 a desirable place to live in

2023-10-06 10:20:14   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《英语经典原创 a desirable place to live in》,欢迎阅读!

1. A desirable place to live in

Nowadays, in China, many people prefer to live and work in big cities, because the transportation and facilities there are more convenient and available. But as far as I am concerned, living in a small town nearby a big city is more appealing to me.

When it comes to choosing a desirable place to live in, the most important thing I will take into consideration is the environment quality. It is obvious that the natural circumstance in a small town is superior to that in a big city, for there is less noise and industrial pollution there. We can imagine that when we were living in a small town, we can enjoy fresh air, green trees, singing of the birds and beautiful natural scenery; we can also walk along the quiet and uncrowded street without concerning with too much waste gas and noise. Whereas, as it is not so far away from large cities, we can get what we need easily within a little time. What a cosy/easefull life, isnt it?

What is more, living in a small town brings less pressure. Prices of commodities in big cities are much higher, especially the housing price. The amount of money which you can use to buy a big house in a small town cant even buy a toilet in a big city such as Beijing. Thus, with the same amount of money, we can have a high life quality in a small town.

Maybe some people are still addicted to the convenience and glory of living in a big city. However, considering both the environment, social

pressure and life quality, I would rather live in a small town. That is also the reason why the westerners wouldnt like to live in city.

