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Unit15 Learning



1.suspectv.怀疑;不信任;觉得 n.可疑分子,犯罪嫌疑人 adj.可疑的;靠不住的

[教材原句]I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry.(P36)我怀疑他们裁掉我是因为公司经营得不是很好,但这仍然使我喉头哽咽,让我想哭。



She suspected one of her three daughtersthen ten,eight,and six—had picked it up,but the girls said they hadn’t.

In Samarkand,Mr Bissell admires the architectural wonders,while on his way to Bukhara he gets a taste of police methods when suspected drug dealing.(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解C)

The young man’s hesitant answer to those questions made the police (suspect).



the young man is telling a lie. 考点必记

suspect (that)+从句怀疑……

suspect sb of (doing) sth怀疑某人()某事 be suspected of doing sth被怀疑做某事 suspicious adj.可疑的,怀疑的,疑惧的

be suspicious about/of sth/sb怀疑某事/某人 it is/was suspected that...有人怀疑…… suspiciously adv.怀疑地,可疑地 [写作佳句]

All of us suspected that it was our monitor who had spent his weekends decorating our classroom.我们大家都怀疑是班长利用周末时间布置了教室。


[教材原句]I got my grandson to instruct me on how to email and use the Internet and I really enjoy the speed at which my messages get sent and answered.(P36)我让我的孙子教我怎样收发电子邮件和使用互联网。我真的很喜欢信息的传送和回复速度。



Turn to an online (instruct) for help.(2019·全国Ⅲ卷,七选五) Not feeling well,the president instructed his secretary (cancel) all the arrangements.


③班主任说明不应该把手机带进教室。 Our headteacher instructs that no mobile phone into the classroom.



After some experienced farmers ripe melons from green ones,we started to work.


as instructed按照指示

instruct sb in sth指导/教导某人某事 instruct sb to do sth指示某人做某事

instruct sb that sb (should) do sth命令某人做某事 instruction n.用法指南;指示 instructor n.教师,讲师

instructive adj.增长知识的;富有教育意义的 follow the instructions按照说明操作

ignore/carry out sb’s instructions 忽视/执行某人的命令 under instructions按指令 [写作佳句] Everything done in the lab was under instructions,so nothing unexpected happened.在实验室所做的一切都是按指令进行的,所以没有什么出乎意料的事发生。


[教材原句]So many people think that after you retire,all you can do is switch off your brain and bury everything you’ve ever learnt.(P36)所以很多人认为退休后你能做的就是关闭大脑,埋葬所学过的任何东西。



After failing the exam,Jim buried (he) in his study.

When these organisms die,they bury carbon the deep ocean,an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.(2019·北京卷,阅读理D)

(bury) in studying his new machine,Professor Cheng sometimes even forgets to have his meals.



During my senior high,I would spoken English with my classmates so that I had a good grasp of it.


bury oneself in (doing) sth埋头()某事 bury one’s face in one’s hands双手掩面 be buried in (doing) sth专心()某事 be buried in thought深思,沉思 [写作佳句]

Facing the sea,he looked at the rising sun,his hands buried in his pockets.朝大海,他双手放在口袋里,看着冉冉升起的太阳。


[教材原句]If the room hadn’t been dark,he would have distinguished the two pictures.(P37)如果不是房间很暗,他就区分开那两张照片了。


[单句语法填空] As far as I know,she has already distinguished (she) as an athlete. This task interdependence distinguishes baseball football and basketball.(2019·北京卷,七选五)

No one will ever know what mix of talent,ambition,energy and luck made Dickens such a (distinguish) writer.(2018·江苏卷,阅读理解A)




distinguish between...and...区别/辨别……和…… distinguish...from...使……有别于……

distinguish oneself (as...)(作为……)使出众;使著名 be distinguished for sth以……而著称

distinguished adj.有尊严的,高贵的;卓越的;杰出的 [写作佳句]

The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.中华民族以勤劳和勇敢著称。

5.alternativeadj.非传统的;另类的;可供替代的 n.可供选择的事物

[]Jack had a “traditional” education and Nicholas had an alternative” one.(P38)杰克接受了“传统”教育,尼古拉斯接受了“非传统”教育



The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.But (alternative) explanations are hard to find.



,the Yangtze River and Mount Tai,the former is what I’d like to recommend to you.


an alternative use/way/route/road可供选择的用途/方法/路线/ the only alternative唯一的选择

have no alternative but to do sth除做某事外别无选择 an alternative method of (doing) sth做某事的其他方法 [名师点津]

表示“除做某事外别无选择”还可用:have no choice but to do sth/can do nothing but do sth

