
2023-04-08 18:01:47   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《单词child是什么汉语意思》,欢迎阅读!




child的汉语意思 [tald] [tald] 第三人称复数:children 基本解释

名词 小孩,孩子; 幼稚的人; 产物; 弟子 相关例句 名词

1. I have to say I am a child in these matters. 我得说对于这种事我毫无经验。 2. He was a child of the Renaissance. 他是文艺复兴时期的产物。 3. They have three children. 他们有三个孩子。 4. He has two children. 他有两个孩子。 child的单语例句

1. " Neither video showed Lin had committed an indecent act against the child, " Luo said.

2. A cow escaped from a slaughterhouse and butted three people including a child.

3. The punishment often involves hitting a child on the buttocks with a long wooden board, or paddle.

4. India's Child Labor Act bans employment of children younger than 14, but circuses were exempt until six months ago

when the government amended the law.

5. One of the biggest challenges for families is helping their child understand why they may have been abandoned by their birth parents.

6. Mariah Carey was visited by Child Protective Services shortly after giving birth to her twins.

7. Others argue that the driver might not have intentionally killed the child and committed the act out of panic and inexperience.

8. In 1929 the first Child Marriage Restraint Act was enacted, taking the lower age limit up to 12.

9. The given name was usually chosen by the parents as a symbol of their blessings and hopes for the child.

10. He was not the only child captivated by the side effects of the Internet.


1. Have you found that flowers are more coloful, sky is broader and air is fresher than before when trying to see the world in child's eyes?


2. Listen to your accent simply become a northerner, and the child.

听你口音简直成了个北方人了,孩子。 3. I am buying this to coax my child. 我要买这个,哄孩子用。

4. Because of this child, I felt so thankful, so happy, and so apologetic, and my heart broke.


