attention people of earth阅读理解

2023-04-22 05:01:22   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《attention people of earth阅读理解》,欢迎阅读!

Attention People of the Earth

Greetings, inhabitants of Earth. We bring you an important message from beyond your planet. Our observations have led us to believe that you are at a critical juncture in your development as a species. The destructive behavior of a small but powerful segment of your population threatens not only your own future but also the viability of the planet itself.

We urge you to take immediate action to reverse the course of your civilization. We implore you to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels, to conserve natural resources, to protect the biodiversity of your planet, and to work towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources.

We do not seek to impose our will upon you, nor do we wish to interfere in your affairs. We simply ask that you take responsibility for your own future and for the future of your planet. The fate of your species is in your hands.

Reading Comprehension Questions:

1. Who is the intended audience of the message? 2. What is the main concern expressed in the message? 3. What actions are urged upon the people of Earth?

4. Does the message seek to impose the will of the sender upon the people of Earth?

5. What is the tone of the message?


1. The intended audience of the message is the inhabitants of Earth. 2. The main concern expressed in the message is the destructive behavior of a small but powerful segment of the population that threatens the future of the planet.

3. The people of Earth are urged to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and work towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources. 4. No, the message does not seek to impose the will of the sender upon the people of Earth.

5. The tone of the message is urgent and imploring.

