
2022-04-05 01:50:03   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《人教精通小学英语四年级下知识点》,欢迎阅读!

一.名词/代词单数变复数: 特殊情况:

1)单复数同形的名词:sheepfish; bread; rice; noodles; beef; pork; chicken; fruit; kiwifruit;

2)o结尾的名词:hippos; potatoes; tomatoes;

3)一般名词变复数直接加s: U6giraffes; camels;tigers...

U5 sausages;cake(s)... (U1,U2 名词类似) 二.词组搭配

read a book; watch TV; play a computer games; go shopping; go swimming; go fishing


1. like+doing ; I like drawing.

2. want +to do ; I want to buy a bear.

3. would like +to do; Id like to have a picnic. 4. How/What about +doing;

Today is Sunday. What/How about going swimming? 5. There be( is/are)

There isa bedin the bedroom. Thereare2 beds in the bedroom. 6. a/an 用法

a storybook-------an English storybook a boy ---------------an English boy

an art lesson; an armchair; an apple; an elephant;an eraser;



原句 一般疑问句 /否回答 否定句 1. She is a girl.

Is she a girl? Yes,she is./No,she isnt. She is not a girl. 2. They are students.

Are they students? Yes,they are./No,they arent. They are not students. 3. I am a teacher.

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am./No,I am not. I am not a teacher.

练习:把下面句子分别变成一般疑问句,肯定否定回答,以及变成否定句。 1. She is a teacher. 5. Li Yans mother is a nurse. 2. It is a cat. 6. Li Yans father is a policeman. 3. We are students. 4. I am a teacher.


1They like playing football. 2He likes reading. 一般疑问句:Do they like playing football? Does he like reading? /否回答:Yes,they do./No,they dont. Yes,he does./No,he doesnt. 否定句: They dont like playing football. He doesnt like reading. 练习:

1. She likes apples. 2. We like going shopping. 3. I like going swimming. 4. Tom goes to school by bike.

for with 常考用法。

for①为某人 eg:The dress is for me.这件连衣裙是给我的。 What can I do foryou?我能为你做些什么?

②为某事 eg:We have so many things for our picnic.我们为野餐准备了那么多东西。 with和某人

Eg1.Would you like to go swimming withme?你想和我一起去游泳吗?

2.I cant go withyou.我不能和你一起去。 3.Dont go withus.不要和我们一起去。 绿色字体加粗的 注意使用宾格形式!

常考的:Shell buy me a new jacket.她将给我买一件新的夹克衫。 Give me a quick answer, please.请给我一个快速回答。 How about/What about+人、物、地点等名词…? ……怎么样? How about you?你呢?

How about the zoo and the farm?去动物园和农场怎么样? How about some pork?来些猪肉怎么样? How about +doing?

How about going swimming?去游泳怎么样? How about going to the zoo?去动物园怎么样?

