译林英语六年级上Unit 6 B卷 课后巩固题

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B: 课后巩固题


( )1.The rubbish our city dirty. A. make B. making C. makes

( )2.--What our city dirty? --Smoke the cars and the factories.A. makes; from B. make; from C. takes; to ( )3.To keep the air clean, we can plant ____________ trees. A.any B more C. much ( )4.【易错】There’s much in our city. A.museums B.factories C.rubbish

( )5.Mary can’t _______her bag. Now she_______. A.find; is looking for B. look for; is finding C. find; look for ( )6.【易错】We can ______ the floor now. A.sweep B.sweeping C. are sweeping ( )7.Grandma is sleeping. We shout. A. should B. shouldn’t C. can ( )8.The floor is wet. The old man and . A.slipsfalls B. fallsslips C.picksfalls ( )9.【易错】Bobby is sick . He goes________hospital. A. to B. to the C./

二.填入适当的词 1. 写出下面的动词过去式

plant move slip make-- throw put

keep-- sweep fall

2.clean(反义词) 3.dry(反义词) 4.any(同义词) 5.there(反义词) 6.study(现在分词) 7.unhappy(反义词) 8.smoke(现在分词) 9.No(同音词) 10.their(宾格)

11.【易错】Who (make) our streets clean every morning 12.【易错】Who (smoke) in the room 13.What __________makethe river dirty?

14.【易错】There ________(be) a lot of rubbish in the water last year. 15.Can you pick (they) up

16.People often ________(plant) trees on Planting Trees Day. 17.They (plant) trees in the hill now. 18.Well ______(do), children!

19.Look, the old man (water) the flowers in the garden.

20.Yesterday it _________ heavily.(rain) , so I ________(take) a bus to school. 21.Bobby often (throw) rubbish on the ground. 22.We should (keep) our school clean. 23.Helen (come) to school by metro every day. 24.--Don’t (park) your car here, Sir. -- Oh, sorry. 25.There (be) any orange juice in the bottle. 26.No (run) means you can’t run here.

27.-- someone (smoke) --I can smell it.


1.保持我们的城市干净 2.保持房间温暖 3.又乱又脏 4.【易错】汽车尾气 5.许多垃圾 6.go to hospital 7.步行上学校 school = go to school 8.【易错】步行回家 = go home

9.让她伤心 10. 帮助他做家庭作业 11.捡起它们 12.使……干净 13.搬离我们城市

14.河里的垃圾 15.乘地铁去上学 16.使空气变脏 17.从工厂里冒出的黑烟使得空气变脏。______ smoke ________ ________ _______ the ______ dirty. 18.汽车尾气使得空气变脏。 Smoke __________ cars _________ the air ___________. 19.垃圾使得街道又脏又乱。 Rubbish the streets and dirty. 20.【易错】衣服使得床乱七八糟。 Clothes the bed . 21.什么使我们的学校脏乱不已?_________ _________ our school _________? 22.我能为我们房间的清洁做什么?What can I do our room 23.我们可以将工厂搬离我们的城市。 We can from our city.

24.【易错】为了使空气清新,我们可以多栽树。 the air cleanwe can plant trees. 25.我们可以乘公共汽车上学。We can __________ __________ _________ to school. 26.让我们步行去上学。 Let’s schoolMike.

27.我们不应该扔东西在地板上。 We things on the . 28.妈妈帮助保持房间干净。 Mum the bedroom .

29.【易错,2种答案】他踩到西瓜皮摔倒了。 He the banana and . 30.你把垃圾扔在地上了吗? ________ you _______ ________ ______ the floor?


1. These toys m the bedroom messy.

2. T___________ your dirty clothes in the washing machine. 3.He is careless. He s_____________ on an icy ground.

4.Do you like s_____________? No, I don’t . You know, it is bad for other’s health. 5.The box is so heavy. Can you help me m_________ it? 6.The fish are d . 7.Please m it away.

【易错】8.The cans and rubbish m the streets dirty and messy.


1.The fish in the water is all dead. 2.I can cleaning the desks.

