(no.1)八年级英语下册 Unit Two知识点总结归纳 鲁教版

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Unit Two知识点总结归纳

Section A

1.by doing sth 通过做某事 2.make flashcards制作抽认卡 3.listen to tapes 听磁带

4.ask sb for help 向某人求助 ask sb to do sth请求某人做某事 5.work/study with a group参加小组学习 6.read aloud 大声读 7.speaking skills 口语技巧

8.the best way to do sth 做某事的最好方法 9.feel differently感受不同 10.have fun doing sth 做某事有趣 11.have conversations with sb与某人交谈 12.get/be excited about sth 因某事兴奋 13.end up doing sth 以做某事结束 14.do a survey about sth 对某事做调查

Section B

1.spoken English 口头英语

2.make mistakes in grammar在语法方面犯错误

3.forget to do sth 忘记要做某事forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 4.understandunderstood--understood

5.talk to/with sb 和某人交谈 talk to sb about sth.(sb)和某人讨论某事(某人) 6.join an English language club 参加英语俱乐部 7.first of all/to begin with 首先 8.later on 后来

9.be afraid to do.....不敢做。

be afraid of sth 害怕某物 The little girl is afraid_____dogs. 10.make complete sentences 造完整的句子 11.laugh at 嘲笑

12.the secret of... 。的秘密

13.one of+adj.最高级+名词的复数:最、、之一 14.take notes 做笔记 15.enjoy doing...喜欢做某事

16.be impressed(by......) 受感动,欣赏 17.write down 写下

18.look up a word in a dictionary查字典 look them up in a dictionary(代词放中间) Reading

1.unless =if... (v.)not 2.worry about/be worried about担心 3.affact/ influence影响 4.sometimes 有时 Some times 几次、几倍

Sometime 某时(尤指将来的某一时刻) some time 一段时间 5.time goes by 时光流逝

6.decide not to do sth 决定不做某事

decide to do=make a decision to do= make up ones mind to do决定做某事 7.last for long 持续很长时间 8.regard ... as... 把。。当作

9.too much+不可数名词:太多、 much too+ adj./adv.原级:太、 10.complain about 抱怨

11.be strict with... ... 严格 12.change...into... 把。。变成。

13.Its ones duty to do sth.做某事是某人的职责 14.try/do ones best to do...尽力做 ...

15.with the help of=with ones help 在。。的帮助下 16.something worse 形容词修饰不定代词后置 17.compare A with BAB相比较 Compare A to B A比喻成B

19.let sb do sth. 否定: let sb not do sth.


