
2022-07-21 18:45:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《春天英语文章》,欢迎阅读!


The grass is green, the birds singing. Spring is a season how charming!

I like the green fields, and also like the colorful flowers, like the birds chirping. Because of all this, nature will make me feel is so amazing, so intoxicating.

Everyone says "spring". Why everyone will think so? I'm confused. Or

because spring is a good season for revival, so people put all the hopes in spring! Or is the scene of spring is too attractive, so people also follow the beautiful

scene. In a word, no matter what because I am the "spring" the proverb is agree. Although a lot of people say autumn is a very good season, because the autumn weather is very suitable for people's work and life. It doesn't like winter the bitter, not like the summer sunshine, also won't three days two days cold warm like spring. But I don't think so.

I think the three days of warm spring, two days of the cold is a small

test for us. It in the test of whether we can fit the summer heat and winter cold. Winter is not everywhere like autumn leaves, and one is yellow. On the contrary, the spring is a vibrant scene.

I like spring, more like walking in the spring field.

小草青青,小鸟歌唱。春天,是一个多么迷人的季节啊!我喜欢那绿色的田野,也喜欢那五彩缤 纷的花朵,更喜欢鸟儿吱吱喳喳的叫声。因为这一切,都会让我觉得大自然是那么的神奇,那么令 人陶醉。

人人都说“一年之计在于春”。为什么人人都会这么认为呢?我迷惘。或者是因为春天是万物复 苏的好季节,所以人们才将所有的希望都寄托在春天吧!又或者是春天的景象太讨人喜欢,所以人们 也跟着美丽的景象行动。无论因为什么,总之我对这一句“一年之计在于春”的谚语是持赞同态度 的。

虽然很多人都说秋天是一个很不错的季节,因为秋天的天气很适合人们的工作和生活。它不会 像冬天那样寒风刺骨,不会像夏天那样阳光猛烈,也不会像春天那样三天暖和两天寒冷。但我却不 这么认为。我认为春天的三天暖和,两天寒冷是对我们的一个小小考验。它在考验我们是否能适合 夏季的炎热和冬季的寒冷。冬天不像秋天那样到处是落叶,是枯黄的一片。恰恰相反,春天到处是 生机勃勃的景象。


