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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《统考大学英语B作文题范文5篇》,欢迎阅读!

1Failure is the mother of success(失败是成功之母) 例文:

All of us experience failure every now and then. Although some people will avoid failure at all costs, some people welcome it. Failure can be a good teacher. It always teaches us to be better the second time around. As they say, "The more you try, the more you'll succeed." There is some wisdom to be learned from failure. If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage, we will have learned another secret to success. Failure is the mother of success and success that comes after failure is so sweet.

2Is Stress a Bad Thing?


例文:Quite a number of men and women choose to do things less competitive. They are afraid that the stress of work will rob them of joy and happiness.In fact, however, stress isn’t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Above all, unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge. Furthermore, people under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to achieve their own personal worth. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to learn to deal with it rather than to escape from it.

3Honesty is the Best Policy. (诚实乃上策)

1)你对诚实乃上策的看法;2)举例说明你的观点。 例文:

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." It tells us the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying.In a word, honesty not only brings us honor and friendship, but also material gains. Honesty is the best policy we can take.

4My View on Luck

1) 一些人把成功归于运气;2)另一些人把运气看作是努力的结果; 3)你的看法。 例文:

Nowadays many people believe in luck. They think luck can bring them everything. If they have good luck, they will be successful without hard

work. But this is a wrong idea. As we all know, good luck does not come alone. Luck goes hand in hand with hard work. When a good chance comes to you, but you don’t work hard to complete the task, then you can’t grasp the chance, so good luck passes you by and leaves you. Therefore, people should work hard instead of depending on luck completely.

5Changes in My Life 1).你生活中有哪些变化;



There have been many changes in my life. With the development of the economy, my life is better off. For clothing, I have spare money to buy all sorts of pretty clothes. But in the past, there were fewer clothes in my wardrobe. For food, I usually had traditional Chinese food for every meal, rice, noodles or a steamed bun. Nowadays, I can afford any delicious food, including western food. For housing, I moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat. For getting around, I rode an old bike on my way to work a year ago. At present, I drive my private car to travel. I believe my life will become better in the near future.

