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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《麻婆豆腐英语作文带翻译》,欢迎阅读!


导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《麻婆豆腐英语作文带翻译》的内容,具体内容:麻婆豆腐是四川的有名的特色菜,那么以麻婆豆腐英语为题的英语作文可以怎样写呢?下面是我为大家分享的是的范文,希望对你有帮助!篇一Poach the tofu in a p...

麻婆豆腐是四川的有名的特色菜,那么以麻婆豆腐英语为题的英语作文可以怎样写呢?下面是我为大家分享的是的范文,希望对你有帮助! 篇一

Poach the tofu in a pan of simmering water for 3 minutes. Remove from boiling water and drain. Heat a wok or large heavy skillet over high heat until hot and add oil, swirling to coat. Add pork and stir-fry, breaking up lumps, until no longer pink. Add garlic and ginger and stir-fry over moderate heat until very fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add the salted black beans. Mash the beans with a cooking ladle until they blend in well with the meat. Add bean paste and continue stiring, then the stock, soya sauce and bean curd. Stir cornstarch mixture and add to stir-fry. Bring to a boil, stirring gently, and cook until thickened and glossy, about 15 seconds. Turn off heat and sprinkle with chili oil, Szechuan chili powder, to taste, and half scallion. Stir once or twice, then serve sprinkled with remaining scallion. Serve hot accompanied with cooked white rice.

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豆腐切成1/2寸方丁,放到开水里滚上3分钟。滤干备用。加热中式炒锅或是平底锅,倒入少许油,晃一下锅,加入猪肉炒至颜色转为粉红色就可以继续添加蒜,姜末,中火炒香,约2分钟。 加入豆豉,用炒勺弄碎,这样容易和肉糜混合。 接着加入豆瓣酱继续翻炒,倒入鸡上汤,酱油,和豆腐块,倒入芡水,轻轻翻拌,这样豆腐才不会碎。盖住焖烧15秒直到酱汁浓稠。关掉火,洒入花椒油,花椒面和一半的葱花。稍微翻拌一下。就可以起锅了。这道豆腐趁热和白米饭一起食用最佳。 篇二

Sichuan, one of the largest provinces is the home of the most savory and spicy food found in China. However, there is more than just piquancy to their culinary, more than what is called "ma", a little word that means the hot Sichuan taste. There are many distinctive flavors and a fascinating variety of dishes; they have locals bragging that their cuisine includes more than five thousand different dishes and more subtle culinary techniques than anywhere else in China. Many outsiders agree with them.

Perhaps the best known dish is Mapo Doufu. It gained in popularity when a pock-marked woman who lived near the Wanfu Bridge opened and ran a restaurant there, circa the 19th century. She served many kinds of bean curd dishes but perhaps the one most liked whose fame spread to the rest of China, got the name of Pock-faced Lady Doufu, better known by its Chinese name of Mapo Doufu.

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