
2023-04-22 20:00:23   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《请问情态动词和助动词有什么分别?》,欢迎阅读!


= modal verbs can(present) could(past) may ( present) might ( past) will( present) would( past) must need ( semi-modal verb)普通动词 or情态动词== o in one -I can( modal verb) ( no " to") swim(action verb). - I will( modal verb) ( no " to") go ( action verb) to Hong Kong. -I don't need( 普通动词 )to do that. <-------------------- " to" here -I need( modal verb) not do that. <------------------ no " to" " need" is used as a modal verb here. ____________________________________ "dare" can be 普通动词 or 情态动词 I dare not say it. <------------------------------- no " to" dare = modal verb情态动词 I do not dare to say it. " to" dare =


is/are/was/were/do/does/need/did/have/has/can/may/will/must The main difference : is/are/was/were/ + verb( for example

go) = WRONG do/does/did/can/may/will/must + verb = OKAY have/has are used in present perfect tense too Have you finished ( past participle) it? Has she finished it? are called auxiliary verbs( helping verbs) Here is a website for you. npc.edu/staff/~ngtungying/english_grammar/lessons/lesson07



do 如:I am ing就形成了现在进行式 He has finished(现在完成式) 而情态动词则与不定词连用表示许可、可能、义务、推测等如: He can speak French You may go We must hurry 情态动词主要有(can

could may might

must had to ought shall should will

would) 而这个世界还有半情态动词,如:need dare

used 希望帮到你!

