No all gloves are created same 并不是所有手套的作用都是一样的

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Not All Gloves Are Created Equal 并不是所有手套的作用都是一样的

Could you imagine trying to play handball with a first baseman's mitt? How about a major league catcher using a golf glove to catch that fast ball!

Ridiculous you say? In sports it is very important to choose the right glove to suit the intended use. Well, in the workplace that exact same rule applies. Every glove is designed to accommodate a different task and most

importantly to prevent serious hand injuries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1995 there were 220,000 hand injuries and 400,000 finger injuries in the United States. Together these accounted for the second highest injury rate to a body part---back injuries being number one at 900,000. Many of these injuries could have been prevented if the proper protective gloves were worn on the job.



You don't have to be a safety expert to properly choose the correct glove for the task. But the selection you make is an important one since each glove is specifically designed for a particular task. To properly choose the proper gloves carefully analyze the job before you begin to determine what hazards need to be guarded against. For example, will the hands be exposed to slivers or jagged edges? Are there very sharp cutting edges involved in the task? Is exposure to chemicals a possibility? In other words, choose the hand protection according to the hazards of the job. Here are some general guidelines that can be used:

虽然你不必是安全专家,你可以选择正确的工作所需的手套,但是你所做的选择是重要的,因为每一种类型的手套都是专为特定的工作设计的。为了选择合适的手套,在确定需要提防哪些危险前,要仔细进行工作分析,例如,手会与毛刺或锯齿状的物体边缘接触吗?工作中有尖锐的切割物吗?有与化学品接触的可能吗?换句话说,就是根据工作中的危险选择 合适的手套,下面是一些可以参考的指南。

Cloth or canvas gloves are most effective in protecting your hands against dirt, rough surfaces, wood slivers, and some temperature ranges.


Leather gloves will protect your hands against sparks, chips, ragged and jagged edges, and moderate heat.


Electrician’s rubber gloves should always be worn when working on or near electrical equipment.


Metal mesh gloves should be worn when working with tools having sharp blades, sheet metal or any other surface that can cut. Never wear metal mesh gloves when working on or near electrical equipment


Aluminized gloves will provide protection against flames and extremely high temperatures.


Impervious gloves (neoprene, latex, vinyl, PVC etc.) should be worn when handling chemicals and hazardous substances that may damage the skin. Since there are so many different types of impervious gloves it is important to make sure that the one you choose will protect you against the substances with which you are working.


Choose your gloves carefully and avoid becoming a statistic. !!! 仔细挑选手套,避免其成为空头数据。

Your hands are also susceptible to a variety of other injuries that even gloves cannot prevent. Crushing blows to the hand and accidents involving power tools are also a leading cause of serious hand injuries. Remember today's laceration could be tomorrow's amputation. A sad commentary to accidents that are 100% avoidable. Just as you would take care of your best tool or piece of machinery treat your hands with the same care---they deserve it. Here are some precautions that you should consider when working that could possibly prevent serious hand accidents from occurring.


Never use your hands to perform a task that can be performed by a tool. For example, use a brush or a rag to wipe away debris---not your hands.


Never wear rings, bracelets or other hand jewellery when working with power tools with moving parts.

