
2022-04-28 21:08:31   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《《我有友情要出租》英语读书笔记500字20211126_一目斋》,欢迎阅读!


今天我读了《我有友情要出租》这个故事,它是我国台湾作家方素珍的作品。 Today, I read the story "I have a friendship to rent". It is the work of Fang Suzhen, a Taiwanese writer in China.

故事主要讲了,大猩猩孤单寂寞,却不知如何交朋友。于是大猩猩采取了"出租"方式,干脆把自己租出去。这一来,不但有朋友陪着一起玩耍,而且还有钱赚,一举两得。刚巧,咪咪出现了,她正好没有玩伴,马上租下大猩猩陪他玩。他们玩得很痛快。接下来,咪咪每天都来租友情,也都付了租金,他们玩得越来越开心。有一天,大猩猩特地没带装钱的小背包和计时用的沙漏,反而准备了好吃的饼干,要和咪咪共享。谁知她竟然搬走了。后来,大猩猩又去出租友情了。不过,这一次他特意强调"免费"出租,等待下一个朋友的到来。 The story mainly tells that the gorilla is lonely and doesn't know how to make friends. So the gorilla took the way of "renting" and simply rented himself out. In this way, not only have friends to play with, but also money to earn, kill two birds with one stone. It happened that Mimi appeared. She didn't have a playmate, so she rented a gorilla to play with him. They had a good time. Next, Mimi came to rent friendship every day and paid the rent. They had more and more fun. One day, the gorilla didn't bring the small backpack with money and the hourglass for timing. Instead, he prepared delicious biscuits to share with Mimi. Who knows she moved away. Later, gorillas went to rent out friendship. This time, however, he emphasized "free" rent, waiting for the next friend.


After reading this story, I found that gorillas finally understood the true meaning of friendship: that is, friendship cannot be bought and sold with money.


At the same time, I found that the mouse in the painting constantly appeared beside the gorilla at the beginning, but the gorilla didn't notice that it didn't take the initiative to play with the gorilla, and the two could only wait for the day when the friendship sprouted silently. I think sometimes it's a great way to make friends by being bold, greeting, talking and playing games.


There are also many animals in the picture, such as lions, leopards, zebras, giraffes, ostriches, etc., which show that there are not no friends in the forest, they are also eager to make friends, but they are shy to hide aside, making gorillas feel lonely


Through these I understand: friends are to find, and they are all nearby, waiting for you to find. In our real life, we have neighbors, classmates and alumni. As long as we are sincere and bold, we can make many good friends!

