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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《尝起来很美味的英文》,欢迎阅读!


taste delicious taste nice

1. These raisins come from Xinjiang, they taste delicious. 这些葡萄干产自新疆, 味道很甜.

2. Characteristics of Coke, fish is tender, and slightly tart taste delicious.

特点是鱼肉外焦里嫩, 味酸甜而稍有咸鲜.

3. Cicai beautiful color, taste delicious, aromatic Nenhua young and old safe.

此菜色泽艳丽, 味道鲜美, 嫩滑芳香,老幼皆宜. 4. This roast chicken taste delicious. 这烤鸡味道好极了.

5. Eat up the special rich taste delicious, nutritious, so often foreign diners never Chan - step.

吃起来味道特别浓郁鲜美, 营养丰富, 常常令中外食客赞步绝口.

6. Grilled or baked seafood marinated with MAGGI Seasoning not only smell wonderful but also taste delicious.


7. I like to sashimi and sushi with wasabi. That makes the taste delicious. 我喜欢吃芥末的生鱼片和寿司, 那使口味美味.

8. It looks nice, large meat, taste delicious, nutritious, and international market demand and thus higher prices.

它外表好看, 体大肉多, 味道鲜美, 营养丰富, 国内外市场需求量大,因而身价昂贵.

9. Frozen suckers made of Hawthorne taste delicious. You must have a taste some time.

红果儿的冰棍很好吃, 有机会你一定要尝尝.

10. Taste delicious, with enhanced physical fitness, anti - aging and anti - cancer role, and can promote healing role.

味道鲜美, 有增强体质 衰老和防癌的作用, 并有促进愈合伤口的作用. 1. She'd been a bit too lavish with the salt, so the soup didn't taste nice.

她放盐太多, 因而汤的味道不太好.

2. Her solitary breakfast did not taste nice. 她孤零零地吃着早餐,兴味索然.

3. Strawberries don't taste nice if they've been frozen. 草莓若冷冻就不好吃了. 4. These oranges taste nice. 这些桔子味道很好.

5. The taste of vitamins is not too nice so the flavour sometimes needs to be disguised.


6. The deliciously and nice taste makes it a great oriental dishes. 这不失为一道美味的中菜.

7. Great taste of expressive tannins with nice fruit and freshness. Healthy and structured.


8. Great fruity taste of matured tannins with a nice freshness Well - balanced and luscious.


