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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《成语动词》,欢迎阅读!

成语动词-1 “动词 + 宾语”词组) do + 宾语

1. 从事, do shopping (cooking, ironing, listening, mending, reading,

sewing, sightseeing , sowing, typing, washing, weeding. )

2. 造成,带来 do good (damage, evil, harm, an injury , justice, a favor.) 3. 尽力 do ones best ( bit, utmost), do everything in ones power, do all one


4. 创造 do wonder (an article , an experiment, a test , a translation.) 5. 履行,完成 do ones duty ( homework, lesions, service ..)

6. 收拾,整理 do ones hair ( nail, teeth.), do the bedroom ( the chairs, the

dishes, the windows.)

take + 宾语

1. 取得; 患上 take the first place, take ones leave, take place; take a cold 2. 就职,就位 take office (the chair, a seat.)

3. 接受,承担 take ones advice ( the blame , a hint, ones word, the


4. 吃,喝,服用,吸入 take a cup of tea ( the fresh air, a meal medicine.) 5. 选择,采纳 take the socialist road( action, measures, a right stand, steps.) 6. 利用 take ones time, take an opportunity

7. 记录;照相;量取 take notes ( a picture, a letter, ones temperature.) 8. 搭乘;租用 take a bus ( a room , a taxi, a flight, a train.)

9. 需要,花费 take a month (much time, much room, patience, efforts) 10. 具有,产生 take effect ( an interest , pity , root.)

11. 表示一次性动作 take a rest ( a bath, a look, a shower, a walk )

12. 认为,对待 take sth. seriously, take sth. as settled, take sb. to be sincere have + 宾语

1. 表示一次性动作 have a swim ( a break, a debate, a dream, a smoke , a talk,

a taste, a try, a wash.)

2. 吃,喝 have breakfast ( a glass of beer, ones meal, ones supper.) 3. 从事,进行 have ones classes (English lessons , an exam) 4. 享有;患有;经历 have a time ( a bad toothache, a holiday, much difficulty,

trouble, fun)

5. 使,让,招致 have sth. done, have sth. ready, have sb. in (out, to ones

house), have sb. waiting (laughing, standing.), have sb. work (study, come.)

make + 宾语

1. 与表示动作的名词连用,表示动作或活动 make a study ( an appointment,

arrangements, an attack, an attempt, a call, a check-up, a comparison, contact, a deal, a decision, a distinction, an evaluation, an explanation, an inspection, an investigation, preparations, a start, a survey, a visit..)

2. 和部分名词连用, 表示动作 make a speech (an error, a journey, a mistake,

a trip)

3. 赚,赢得 make a profit ( achievements, acquaintance, a fortune, a living,

money, ones way in the world.)


4. 写作, 制作,订立 make a sentence (cloth, laws, paper, a plan, a poem, a


5. 整理,布置,准备 make a bed (camp, a fire, tea.) 6. 引起, 产生 make sense ( difference, trouble.) 7. 实行,进行 make a war(peace, revolution.)

8. 有条件成为 make a good actor (a fertilizer, a teacher)

9. 构成惯用语 make the best of, make the most of, make much (little ) of hold + 宾语

1. 掌握,占据, 抑制 hold power ( ones attention, ones breath, a position, a

post, ones tongue.) 2. 持有(看法),认为 hold a view (strange opinions), hold promise, hold it an

honor, hold sth. to be true (false, evident, lawful, illegal.)

3. 举行 hold a meeting ( a conversation, a debate, an exam, a sports meet,


4. 容纳 hold two thousand people (water, milk) 5. 使处于某种姿势、位置 hold oneself erect (still upright .), hold sth, high

(up, at, on.)

6. 使处于某种状态 hold sb. in check (captive, spellbound, under control) catch + 宾语

1. 赶上,搭乘 catch a train ( a bus, the post)

2. 发觉,碰上,破获 catch sb. doing sth., catch sb. + prepositional phrase 3. 感染上;着火 catch a cold ( a fever, a disease.), catch fire

4. 听清,领会;嗅到 catch the meaning ( ones idea, ones remarks, ones

words.), catch the scent (smell) of sth.

5. 引起(注意等)catch ones attention (sbs eyes, ones curiosity.) give + 宾语

1. 给,献出 give sb. sth., give sth. to sb. , give ones live

2. 与某些名词、动名词连用,表示一次性动作 give sb. a lesson ( a good

beating, a kick, a push ), give the house a thorough cleaning, give a loud laugh

3. 做出,提出 drop + 宾语

由原文 “投下” “降低” 引申为不同意义:drop a few lines写封短信,drop a word 露口信,drop a bad habit改掉旧习惯,drop the subject 不再谈这个问题,drop a letter 漏一个字母, drop ones guard丧失警惕, drop the idea打消这个念头,drop lambs产羔羊,drop the armed clashes 停止武装冲突 perform + 宾语

1. 履行,表演 perform a task ( calculations, ones duty, an operation, a play) 2. 扮演,表演 perform a part (tricks.) set + 宾语

(注意不同搭配的不同的译法): set a match 擦火柴,set a date确定日期,set a price 定价,set fire放火,set seeds下种,set an example树立榜样,set tasks 分配任务,set the camera lens 调整相机镜头,set a trap 设陷阱,set a piece of music 谱曲


