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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《唱歌的积极作用演讲稿英语作文》,欢迎阅读!


Improve body immunity. When you can’t get rid of your boredom and distress, just sing aloud for a while, you will feel much more relaxed, because you need to concentrate when singing, all kinds of depression will be completely forgotten, and you can immerse yourself in the beautiful artistic conception of the song. Enjoy the artistic beauty brought by music, so as to get rid of psychological constraints and make yourself feel relaxed and happy.

Use your abdominal muscles to tuck your belly. When singing, the basic breathing method is abdominal breathing. The abdominal muscles are fully utilized to promote metabolism, while also strengthening the abdominal muscles. In addition, when using abdominal breathing, the activity of the diaphragm can regulate the amount of air inhaled and exhaled, and the lung capacity is increased. The correct way to sing is to sing, not shouting with the throat, which will not only fail to achieve the effect, but also damage the throat, form polyps, and cause the opposite effect. May wish to practice the correct singing method: abdominal breathing.

Enhance memory. There are thousands of old songs and new songs, and the lyrics are richer in content. It is difficult to remember clearly without care. Therefore, singing is actually a kind of mental work. To search, recover and reproduce the content of the song from the hundreds

of millions of information in the mind, the brain really has to work at a high speed. Due to the need to repeat the memory of the lyrics, in the long run, it can also strengthen the brain and improve memory.4. Improve constipation and skin condition. If you have chronic constipation troubles, it is better to sing more. It is said to relieve the stress that causes constipation and activate the autonomic nerve that controls the peristalsis of the large intestine. In addition, using abdominal breathing to exercise abdominal muscles while singing can also stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine.

Prevent disease. Often singing, but also consume a certain amount of calories. Therefore, it is also a great way to exercise. The duration of singing and breathing increases the body's metabolism, promotes the body's metabolism, improves the function of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and reduces the possibility of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Relax. When singing, the person becomes tense, but after singing a song, the person who sings relaxes immediately. Such a loosening and tightening cycle can stimulate the autonomic nervous system and relieve the mind and body.

