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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《单词land的汉语是什么意思》,欢迎阅读!




land的汉语意思 [lnd] [lnd]


名词 土地; 陆地; 国家; 地产

及物/不及物动词 (使)登岸; 降临; 使陷于(困境); 使不得不应付 及物动词 自船上卸下; 获得; 捕到; 钓到() 不及物动词 跳落,跌落,被抛落(地面)例句 1. The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。

2. Hunting without a license will land you in trouble. 无证狩猎将会使你陷入麻烦。

3. Richard landed him a blow on the left eye. 理查在他左眼上打了一拳。 land的单语例句

1. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.

2. A multinational doing business in a country has to respect and follow the law of the land.

3. Greater involvement should be provided to insurance companies through tax reductions, and favorable treatment in land and business operation fees.

4. A Chinese company that was forbidden to " sell " land on

the moon has filed suit in Beijing to regain its business license.

5. The housing market in China is subject to several taxes, from land appreciation tax and arable land occupation tax to stamp tax and business tax.

6. Enterprises opening profitable medical service entities will be exempt from business tax, real estate tax and land use tax for three years.

7. The money to buy land must be paid off within 60 days of the land deal.

8. Because land resources are limited in Beijing, golf operators need to pay huge sums of money to buy up land.

9. The government has 40 plots in its land reserve that could be auctioned after a buyer triggers its price.


1. 土地;田地;(尤指)耕作用地,建筑用地

Land is an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming or building.

e.g. Good agricultural land is in short supply. 良田短缺。

e.g. ...160 acres of land. 160英亩土地

2. (属于某人的)地产,地皮

You can refer to an area of land which someone owns as their land or their lands.

e.g. Their home is on his father's land... 他们的家建在他父亲拥有的地皮上。 e.g. His lands were poorly farmed. 他的田地耕种不当。 3. 农耕;农村生活

If you talk about the land, you mean farming and the way of

