
2022-04-15 01:40:08   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《苏教版三年级英语下册第三单元试卷》,欢迎阅读!


1. 你的铅笔盒 2. 在那里 3. 一只大蛋糕 4. 这只午餐盒 5. listen to me 6. drink my milk 7. on the floor 8. What about 二、选出与其他两项不同类的单词。(10)

( ) 1. A. here B. shout C. Open ( ) 2. A. pie B. stand C. sit ( ) 3. A. come B. listen C. me ( ) 4. A. ball B. book C. look ( ) 5. A. Miss Li B. Mr Green C. Mike ( ) 6. A. run B. skirt C. T-shirt ( ) 7. A. eat B. drink C. sweet ( ) 8. A. sleep B. in C. talk ( ) 9. A. robot B. sleep C. run 三、选择正确的序号填入括号中。(10)

( ) 1. Look at the blackboard. _______________.

A. I’m sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. It’s nice. ( ) 2. Would you like eat ________?

A. milk B. a pie C. an pie

( ) 3. Is this your pencil? .

A. Its a pencil B. Yes, you’re right C. Yes, it isnt ( ) 4. It’s too cold(). _______ the window, please. A. Don’t open B. Open C. Don’t close ( ) 5. Is this a window? _____________. A Yes ,it isn’t B. Yes, it is C. No ,it isn’t ( ) 6. a lunch box? —No, it isn’t. A. Is that B. That is C. is this

( ) 7. your brother? —No, it isn’t. A. Is it B. He is C. Is he ( ) 8. Don’t the parrot.

A.listen B.look at C. look

( ) 9. —Where’s your T-shirt? —It’s . A. a nice T-shirt B. brown C. over there 四、从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前的括号内。6分) 1.What about the jacket? A. OK. Thank you. )2.Where’s my schoolbag? B. It’s over there. 3.Please close the door. C. No.Its a schoolbag. 4.Is that a pencil case? D. Its nice. )5.Don’t sleep here. E. Yes, Mr Green. 6.Drink the milk, please. F. Im sorry.

五、根据提示将下列句子排列成对话。8分) A. Is he in the sitting-room? B. Oh, hes in the study.

C. Mum, I cant find my Dad. Where is he? D. No, he isnt there. E. Thank you.



1. girl listen Don’t to the (.

2. you there What can over see (?)

3. like big Would you rubber a (?)

4. your lunch box this Is (?)

5. an What ice cream about (?)


My name is Xiao Qiang. Look, this is my family photo. The old man is my grandfather. He is thin. The old woman is my grandmother. She is fat(). This man is my father. He is tall. This woman is my mother. Her hair is long. She is a teacher. Who is the boy in blue? Hahaits me. ( )1This is Xiao Qiangs family photo . ( )2Xiao Qiangs grandfather is fat . ( )3Xiao Qiangs father is tall . ( )4Xiao Qiangs mother is a teacher . ( )5The boy in blue is Xiao Qiangs brother.

