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关于调查报告英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:investigation report。以下是关于调查报告的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1investigation report

Hu Xiaoqi, a researcher at the Institute of food safety, said that the boed rice provided by some schools to children was not as good as the hot rice provided by school cans, so students threw away the bo lunch and filled their empty stomachs with junk food. "City schools should manage the cans well "To provide better food for children," he said, adding that despite efforts by education authorities to provide better nutrition for rural children, the implementation of these programs is not satisfactory. 中文翻译:




虽然许多技术进步都是以进化的方式发生的,但有时一项性的技术出现在地平线上,创造了令人吃惊的新条件和深刻的变化,私人开发的莫勒天车就是这样,它是以其发明人的名字命名的,并得到了他的许可,我想讨论一下这种飞行器的军事潜力,军方正在评估的加固型莫勒天车被称为轻型空中多用途飞行器,或lamv(发音为“lamvee”“lamv”“lamvee”lamv是一种垂直起降飞机,可以快速、安静地飞行,agile mannerit是一种新型运载工具,它将飞机的速度和直升机的垂直起飞能力与地面车辆的一些特性相结合,但不受任何现有运输方式的限制。


Dear editor, recently, there was a heated discussion in our class about whether Beijing Zoo should move out of the city. Some of my classmates are in favor of

relocation. They say that a large number of tourists to the zoo will cause traffic jams.

They also say that once relocated, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs. However, other students oppose this idea. They say that Beijing Zoo, built in Beijing, has a long history and is very famous at home and abroad, so it should stay in its original place Moving may lead to the death of some animals.

This is a big decision. It must be made by Beijing people. Your, Lihua zoo. 中文翻译:

