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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《学位英语介词练习及解析》,欢迎阅读!


1.She couldn't forgive so terrible an insult ___________ her pride. A)about B)to C)for D)of

书上答案是to,为什么呢?是固定搭配吗? 答:insult 后面要接介词to: 侮辱,羞辱[C][(+to)]

She could not forgive so terrible an insult to her pride. 她不能原谅对她的自尊如此严重的侮辱。

2.The teacher was exasperated _________the stupidty of his students. A}with B)for C)about D)at 我选的是A)with ,而答案是D)at

答:be exasperated at=be angry at,表示对...非常生气 注意:这个单词是超纲词汇,不会考到。 3.It's a pity that he is blind _______ his own faults. A)at B) with C) by D)to

我选的是C) by ,而答案是D) to

答:be blind to的意思是……视而不见

4.He knows English history quite well,but____________French history he can tell nothing. A)regarding B)with regards C)as regards to D)as regarding 我选的是 C) as regards to,而答案是 A)regarding 二者不是都有关于、至于的意思吗?有何不同呢?

答:1as regards sb./sth.的搭配,关于或至于某人(某事)。这是一个俚语,regards是做为动词出现的。如:I have little information as regards his past.我对他的过去不太了解。

2in regard to为固定搭配,关于某人(事),在这……点上。这儿regard为名词。 with regard to [of](=in regard to) ,关于, 对于。without regard to [for] 不顾,不考虑。 例句:


I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints. With regard to our quotation, we will discuss it later.

We have reached an agreement with him in regard to the shipment. 3regarding 介词 关于....

总结:regarding=as regards=with regard to=in regard to

5.A poor man has to _______ many things which a rich man regards as alm0st necessities in life.

A)go through B)go without C)go over D)go about


A)go through经历;

B)go without没有也能对付过去

If there's no sugar you will have to go without;it won't do you any harm anyway.假如没有糖,你就对付一下,无论如何这对你毫无害处。

C)go over复习 D)go about从事


