
2023-04-19 02:03:16   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《sorry是什么意思》,欢迎阅读!


你知道sorry是什么意思吗?下面一起来看看吧。 sorry

sorry英语音标: ['sɒri] ['sɑːri] sorry的意思:

adj.对不起的;抱歉的;难过的;遗憾的 int.对不起


I'm frightfully sorry, but I can't see you today. 太对不起了,我今天不能见你。

I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time. 我很抱歉在这个时候打扰你。

Don't feel sorry about the broken glass. 别再为那打破的杯子难过了。

I'm sorry he doesn't write more regularly. 遗憾的是他没能经常写信。

Sorry, we've sold out of shirts in your size. 对不起,你这样尺寸的衬衣都卖完了。

"I'm afraid he's ill" "I'm sorry to hear that" “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”

"We're all talking at the same time" "Yeah Sorry" “我们俩在同时讲话。”——“噢,抱歉。”

This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking 很遗憾,这几乎完全是一厢情愿的想法。

John, I'm sorry for Steve, but I think you'vemade the right decisions 约翰,我为史蒂夫感到难过,但是我想你的决定是正确的。

Turkin tapped him on the shoulder "Sorry to interrupt, Colonel" 图尔金拍拍他的肩膀。“不好意思打断您一下,上校。”

I'm sorry That was a hateful thing to say 对不起,我不该说那么难听的话。

Hum, I am sorry but I thought you were French 嗯,很抱歉,我以为你是法国人。

After a pause Alex said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you" 歇了一会儿后,亚历克斯毫不客气地说:“要是让你心烦了,那我很抱歉。”

I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say 很遗憾,我只完成了一半。

I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me 对不起,我不知道自己是怎么回事。

I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour 这么晚打电话真是抱歉,可是我需要帮个忙。

The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state 这场大火使科威特的石油产业陷入悲惨的境地。

"Sorry Edward," I said, splattering the cloth with jam “对不起,爱德华,”我说道,因为我把果酱洒在了桌布上。

I'm sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead 很遗憾,我不得不告诉您,珍妮特·韦斯特已经不在人世。

"Oh, sorry I forgot" "Everyone forgets," the girl sighed “哦,对不起,我忘了。”——“每个人都有忘事的时候,”那女孩叹着气说道。

"I'm sorry," she said "I have plans for tonight" “抱歉,”她说,“我今晚有安排了。”

"Sorry I sound like Abby, don't I?" "No Not at all" “抱歉,我讲起话来像阿比,是不是?”——“不,一点不像。”

I'm sorry I know I was bitchy on the phone 对不起。我知道我在电话里说得太刻薄了。

I caught myself feeling almost sorry for poor Mr Laurence 突然发觉自己几乎同情起可怜的劳伦斯先生来了。

