红色旅游 red tourism

2022-05-21 10:28:28   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

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红色旅游 red tourism

Tourists' spending during the holiday reached nearly 650 billion yuan, an increase of 8.47 percent from the previous year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said.


The Ministry of Commerce said that the combined sales of the retail and catering industries nationwide reached 1.52 trillion yuan during the holiday, up 8.5 percent year-on-year.


Tourists from more than 500 cities booked travel products including package tour, independent tour, customized tour and local sightseeing in 100 countries and regions.


携程数据显示,有来自500多个城市的旅游者通过该平台预订跟团游、自由行、定制旅游、当地玩乐等产品;涉及100个国家和地区。 “银发族”的购物热情日益高涨

Senior citizens are fully embracing e-commerce. Those aged

over 50 are buying more, especially products usually purchased by the younger generations.


"Red tourism," or revolutionary-themed tourism, has become a highlight. About 78.84 percent of tourists participated in activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. About 66.4 percent visited culture and history-themed tourist sites



假日经济 holiday economy 出境游 outbound tourism 国内游 domestic tourism 夜间经济 nighttime economy

