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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《动物园英语游记作文_作文550字_描写动物的作文_》,欢迎阅读!


相信大家都去过动物园玩,动物园里面的动物也很是有趣。但是关于动物园的英语游记怎么写呢?怎么才能写好动物园的英语游记呢?以下是小编为大家推荐动物园的游记英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助! 动物园游记英文作文1:北京动物园游记

Beijing zoo is the largest zoo in asia and one of the largest zoo in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in it. We can see yellow,green,orange and brown birds,which can sing nice songs.

The elephants have a long nose and big ears and they are kind to humans. We can also see big and little monkeys running and dancing,just like happy children. Pandas,with good manners,are very friendly and polite to visitors. We will certainly have a good time there.


大象有一个长鼻子和大耳朵,它们对人类很友善。我们还可以看到大的、小的猴子跑步和跳舞,就像快乐的孩子。很有礼貌的熊猫对游客非常友好。我们肯定会度过一段美好的时光。 动物园游记英文作文2:动物游记

Yesterday was a sunny day,my father and me went to the zoo,we saw sone monkeys and lions,they were very beatiful.I enjoyed the time,and I felt very happy.



Today we have gone to the zoo, plays very happy in there us.

We saw the tiger lion elephant also has the peacock which I most like, in brief today is happiest day @ which I play.



I have been to Taipei Zoo about once a year. The zoo is like a hotel for animals. The animals come from many parts of the world. The animals that came from Africa are elephants, lions, zebras, camels, ostriches, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, giraffes, hyenas, monkeys, and cheetahs, Kangaroos came from Australia. Tigers came from Malaysia. Penguins came from South America.

There are a lot of native animals, anteaters, rattlesnakes, beautiful birds and fish, and so on. I like those native animals best because many of them are our good neighbors.


有很多本土动物,食蚁兽,响尾蛇,美丽的鸟类和鱼类,等等。我喜欢那些本土动物最好的,因为有很多是我们的好邻居。 动物园游记英文作文5:参观动物园-visiting the zoo

welcome to the zoo. i'm xiao wang. today i will show you around the zoo. now let me tell you the plan for today. first, we will go to the lion park. then we will go to the monkey hill. you can see the lovely monkeys there. the bird world is next to the monkey hill. there are all kinds of birds. finally, we will go to the panda house. the famous animals look very honest. you will like them very much. remember, don't feed them. let's take good care of the animals.

