
2023-03-15 18:00:35   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《我的爷爷英语作文及翻译》,欢迎阅读!


Two years ago, I left my hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. So I stayed far away from my grandparents. I miss them all the time, I will go back to hometown to visit them when I have the vacation. My grandpa wishes me to e home to visit them as often as possible, they want to see me so much.


My grandfather and grandmother live in the countryside, they like to live there, in the summer holiday, I will go to visit them. My grandfather is a funny person, though he is old, in his heart, he is as young as me, we always make fun of each other. My grandfather can cook the delicious food, he will cook for me, I like him so much.


Ihave a nice grandfather. He is eighty years old. Although he is eighty yearsold, his body is still in good condition. He likes to listen to Beijing Opera. Heoften goes to do exercise, so many people ask him about Opera. He

has a nice wifethat is my grandmother. Grandfather is a good husband, and also is my good grandfather.His favorite color is red, because he thinks red stands for joyousness. I lovemy grandfather forever.


My grandfatheris over sixty now,but he is in good health,and his hair is still black. He is tall and handsome,and looks like a gentleman.He is very kind to me.Believe it or not,he began to learn to drive last year,and now he drives his white Nissan every day.

My grandfather has taught English for about 35 years, and he has been to many countries, such as America, France and Canada. Now he is on holiday in Europe with my grandmother.

我爷爷今年已经60多岁了,但是他身体很好,而且他的头发还很黑。他高大英俊,看上去很绅士。他对我很和蔼。不管你信不信,他去年开始学开车,现在他每天都开他那辆白色的日产车。 我的爷爷教英语已经有35年了,他去过很多国家,比方美国,法国和加拿大。现在他和我奶奶在欧洲度假。

