
2023-05-10 06:02:37   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《在其他国家做一个关于礼貌行为的演讲英文作文》,欢迎阅读!


Dear students

hello everyone!I'm a Chinese XXX from China. The role of etiquette in interpersonal relationships is obvious.For example, when you walk, you will apologize, and then you will smile kindly; when you encounter a natural disaster xx, your friend will lend a hand of friendship to help you.For example, mutual forgiveness, mutual humility and so on.Secondly, etiquette is also the measure of interpersonal relationships.People often use "far", "close", "close", "sparse" to describe the degree of the relationship between people.In the communication between people, often also according to different degrees, using different etiquette to communicate.Ushensky once said: " Good habits are the capital stored in the nervous system. This capital will continue to grow, and a person can enjoy its interest all his life.And bad habits are morally insolvent debts that can torture people with growing interest, fail his initiative, and lead him to the point of moral bankruptcy ".

No doubt, there are still many bad habits in our life, such as littering, indecent words, waste of resources and

so on.Although a person's power is difficult to change anything, but I believe that, as long as we all join hands, any bad habits can be solved.Civilization is the embodiment of its own morality, and public civilization is based on personal civilized etiquette.If a person does not pay attention to his own civilization, he will not have a good public civilization.Personal civilized etiquette is the root, is this.People who want to have a good public civilization must first start from themselves, and start from the small things around them.

Then, let's start from now on, say goodbye to bad habits, to civilization.


