
2022-08-02 19:09:25   第一文档网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ] [ 文档下载 ]

#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《名词性物主代词练习》,欢迎阅读!

. 形容性物主代词与它对应的名性物主代用直线连.

my his her our your its their his mine hers yours ours theirs its . 选词填.

1. This is ________ ( your , yours ) pencil. 2. These are ________ ( my, mine ) ducks. 3. The apples are _________ ( her, hers ). 4. The orange juice is _________ ( your, yours). 5. The books are _________( their, theirs ). . 充下列句子,使句子的含义与上句意思相同. 1. This is my seat.

The seat is ___________. 2. That is her dress. T hat dress is ___________. 3. Is this your chair ?

Is the chair _________? 4. Are these his shorts ? Are these shorts _______? . .

( ) _________ 1. This is it house. ( ) __________ 2. The tomato is her. A B C A B C ( ) _________ 3. Those are theirs books. ( ) __________ 4. My is red. A B C A B C .划线部分提.

1. My desk is red. ___________________________________________________________ 2. The ruler is mine. _________________________________________________________ 3. The pencil boxes are hers. __________________________________________________

4. The spoons are ours. _______________________________________________________ 5. These are his socks. ________________________________________________________

