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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《缩写》,欢迎阅读!

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John an d Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

Lesson 18 缩写

In 1969,John and Anthony saw a little baby lion in a shop in London. They took him home and called him Christian. They looked after him very well. However, one year later, Christian became very strong and heavy. He couldnt live with John and Anthony any more. So they took him to Africa.

After a year, John and Anthony went back to Africa to see Christian again. After a long time, they found Christian. Christian walked slowly and recognised them. He ran over and hugged them warmly. Christian still remembered them! John and Antony were sad to leave Christian but they were also happy to see him live freely in Africa.

