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#第一文档网# 导语】以下是®第一文档网的小编为您整理的《关于端午节英语的小报》,欢迎阅读!




关于端午节英语的小报 关于端午节英语的小报 关于端午节英语的小报

端午节的由来(Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon boat festival is an ancient traditional festival, which began in the spring and autumn period and the warring States period in China and has a history of more than 2000 years. Dragon boat festival has a lot of origin and legend, here only introduces the following four kinds:

Originated in memory of qu yuan

According to historical records, " Quyuan Jia sheng biographies" records, qu yuan, is the secretary of the spring and autumn period Chu Huaiwang. He advocated Juxian grant can, rich Qiang Bing, advocate United qi Qin, was strongly opposed by noble zi LAN and others, qu yuan was chan to resign, was driven out of the capital, exile to yuan, Hunan basin. In exile, he wrote about the sorrow of the country and the people's " lisao", " ask heaven", " nine songs" and other immortal poems, unique style, far-reaching influence ( therefore, the dragon boat festival is also known as the poet's day ). In 278 BC, Qin Jun breached Kyoto, Chu. Qu yuan saw his country was invaded, heart ached, but always could not bear to abandon his country, on may 5, after wrote a unique " Huai Sha", throw stones into the Miluo river died,

with his own life to write a magnificent movement of patriotism.

Legend after the death of qu yuan, Chu people mourn abnormal, rushed to the Miluo river to mourn qu yuan. The fishermen rowed up their boats and salvaged his body back and forth on the river. A fisherman took out for qu yuan meal, eggs and other food, " plop, plop" into the river, let the fish dragon shrimp and crab eat, won't go to bite the flexor doctor's body. People follow suit after seeing. An old doctor brought an altar of realgar wine poured into the river, said to medicine dizzy dragon water beast, lest hurt flexor doctor. Later for fear of rice ball for dragon food, people come up with a rice wrapped in neem leaves, wrapped in colored silk, developed into a brown son.

Later, in the fifth day of may every year, there is the dragon boat race, eat zongzi, drink realgar wine customs; To commemorate the patriotic poet qu yuan.







